From: Steve Gonedes
Subject: CLOS and dynamic class creation question
Message-ID: <>
I have a line of text and wanted to have attributes that described the
text, such as blink, highlight, red, phone-number, etc. The problem is
representing blink when the text is already red, and other such
combinations. I tried using trees, vectors, magic, nothing, etc. but
the result is always a royal pain to use and not as extensible as I'd
like it to be. Ideally I would use an array and have the attributes
encoded as small numbers. This solution sucks because it only works
for predefined attributes and therefore wouldn't allow for
phone-numbers and other oddities.

I've looked around for ideas and have only seen the `your only allowed
these 5 attributes' solutions. I have even seen some really insane
cases where the program would _modify_ the actuall text with the
attributes almost as if the user had typed them in! The attributes are
then removed on save!!!

So what I started to do is use a double linked list that describes
when and where attributes start and end; some attributes could
eventually form a tree to override other attributes I guess - but I
don't really know yet. All I know is it should be be transparent to
normal operations (this seems to be the trick). Anyway, tried doing
this with CLOS but ran into a small problem which I'm almost certain
has a solution but I can't seem to find it. Here's a fragment of the
code. Any comments or suggestions would be appreciated in the utmost.

Ultimately I need a method/function called `find-line-region' which
returns three values: the start of the block of text, the end of the
block of text, and the attribute of the block.

This could be very flexible. I was thinking that overlay-arrows
and such could be done like:

(defmethod find-line-region ((interval overlay-arrow-interval) vt)
  (let* ((index (vt-column vt))
        (end-of-text-index (vt-total-columns vt))
        (virtual-line (svref (vt-virtual-lines vt) (vt-row vt)))
        (display-text (vline-text virtual-line))
        (widths (vline-widths virtual-line)))
    (replace display-text "=> "  :start index)
    (fill widths 1 :start index :end (+ index 4))
   (values (+ index 4) ... ...))).

If the text to be displayed was: `1 2 3' it would result in
`=> 3' where the `=> ' the cursor could not be placed on top of.
I would like to have some non-modifiable regions of text as well. This
would be easy to add.

Here's the code fragment...

(defclass interval () ())

(defclass standard-interval (interval)
    :initarg :interval-end
    :initform (error ":INTERVAL-END required")
    :accessor interval-end)
    :initarg :interval-previous
    :initform nil
    :accessor interval-previous)
    :initarg :interval-next
    :initform nil
    :accessor interval-next)))

(defclass text-interval (standard-interval) ())
(defclass display-interval (standard-interval) ())
(defclass display-attribute () ())

(defmacro define-display-attribute (name)
  (let ((attr-name (intern (concatenate 'string
                             (symbol-name name) "-MIXIN")
        (keyword (intern name (find-package :keyword))))
       (defclass ,attr-name (display-attribute) ())
       (defmethod interval-attribute ((attribute ,attr-name))
         (with-output-to-string (stream nil :element-type 'base-char)
           (letf (((cm-output *cm*) stream))
             (set-attributes '(,keyword))

(defun push-attribute-mixin (mixin attribute)
  (let* ((name (concatenate 'string
                 (symbol-name (type-of attribute))
            "+" (symbol-name mixin)))
         (symbol (intern name #.*package*))
         (class (or (find-class symbol nil)
                    (clos:ensure-class symbol
                      :direct-superclasses (list mixin
                               (class-of attribute))))))
    (change-class attribute class)))

;;; Junk that simply has to go.

(defmethod print-object ((interval standard-interval) stream)
  (print-unreadable-object (interval stream :type nil :identity t)
    (princ (string-capitalize (symbol-name (type-of interval))) stream)
    (write-char #\Space stream)
    (cond ((interval-previous interval)
           (write-char #\< stream)
           (princ (interval-end (interval-previous interval)) stream))
          (t (write-string "[0" stream)))
    (write-char #\- stream)
    (princ (interval-end interval) stream)
    (if (interval-next interval)
        (write-char #\> stream)
        (write-char #\] stream))))

(defun make-interval (end)
  (make-instance 'standard-interval
    :interval-end end))

;;; This is not very good - but for playing with the idea it seems to
;;; work close enough... There are a couple of bugs (I think in the
;;; deletion) - but before I fix them I wanted to be sure this was a
;;; good idea. Again, just a ten-minute solution to try out my idea.

(defun find-interval (interval point)
  (loop while (> point (interval-end interval))
      do (setq interval (interval-next interval))
      while interval finally (return interval)))

(defun find-interval-start (interval point)
  (loop while (>= point (interval-end interval))
      do (setq interval (interval-next interval))
      while interval finally (return interval)))

(defun split-interval (interval point)
  (setq interval (find-interval interval point))
  (if (and (= (interval-end interval) point)
           (interval-next interval))
      (interval-next interval)
      (let ((new (make-interval (interval-end interval))))
        (setf (interval-end interval) point)
        (when (setf (interval-next new) (interval-next interval))
          (setf (interval-previous (interval-next new)) new))
        (setf (interval-next interval) new)
        (setf (interval-previous new) interval)

(defmethod adjust-intervals-for-insertion (interval point size)
  (setq interval (find-interval interval point))
  (loop do (incf (interval-end interval) size)
           (setq interval (interval-next interval))
      while interval))

(defmethod adjust-intervals-for-deletion (interval point size)
  (setq interval (find-interval interval point))
  (let ((end-point (+ point size)))
    (cond ((< end-point (interval-end interval))
           (loop do (decf (interval-end interval) size)
                    (setq interval (interval-next interval))
               while interval))
           (let ((old interval))
             (loop do (setq interval (interval-next interval))
                 while (<= (interval-end interval) end-point))
             (when (setf (interval-next old) interval)
               (setf (interval-previous interval) old))
             (loop do (decf (interval-end interval) size)
                      (setq interval (interval-next interval))
                 while interval))))))

;; Ugh...
(defmethod split-interval-for-newline (interval1 interval2 point size)
  (setq interval1 (find-interval interval1 point))
  (setq interval2 (find-interval interval2 0))
  (let ((next (split-interval interval1 point)))
    (let ((temp interval2))
      (loop do (incf (interval-end temp) size)
               (setq temp (interval-next temp))
          while temp))
    (setf (interval-previous interval2) next)
    (setf (interval-next next) interval2)
    (setf (interval-end next) size)
    (setf (interval-previous next) nil)

;; This is where I would like to put all the complexity of merging and
;; other such fun things.
(defmethod merge-intervals ((interval1 text-interval)
      (interval2 text-interval))
  (setf (interval-end interval1) (interval-end interval2))
  (when (setf (interval-next interval1) (interval-next interval2))
    (setf (interval-previous (interval-next interval1)) interval1))
  (setf (interval-previous interval2) nil)
  (setf (interval-next interval2) nil)

;; This is so seductive :)
(defmethod merge-intervals (a b) nil)

;; This is part of an older idea...
(defun add-line-attribute (line class start end)
  (split-interval (line-interval line) end)
  (change-class (split-interval (line-interval line) start) class))

;;; Whatever

;; Oh, yeah - vt is short for virtual-terminal. Should be
;; virtual-screen, but after a few thousand times vt starts to feel
;; very nice on my fingers.

(defgeneric find-line-region (interval vt))
(defgeneric interval-attribute (interval))

(defmethod find-line-region ((line line) vt)
   (find-interval-start (line-interval line) (vt-column vt)) vt))

(defmethod find-line-region ((interval null) vt)
  (declare (ignore vt))
  (values nil nil nil))

(defmethod interval-attribute (interval)
  (declare (ignore interval))

(defmethod find-line-region (interval vt)
  (declare (ignore vt))
  (let ((block-start (if (null (interval-previous interval))
                         (interval-end (interval-previous interval))))
        (block-end (interval-end interval))
        (attribute (interval-attribute interval)))
    (values block-start block-end attribute)))

What I currently have is this.

(define-display-attribute blink)

(define-display-attribute underline)

(make-interval 20)
=> #<Standard-Interval [0-20] @ #x20427e42>

(interval-attribute (make-interval 20)) => nil

;; The following is excellent.

(let ((interval (make-interval 20)))
  (push-attribute-mixin 'blink-mixin interval)))

=> "^[[5m"  ; turn on blinking

(let ((interval (make-interval 20)))
  (push-attribute-mixin 'blink-mixin interval)))

=> "^[[0;10m" ; now it knows to turn off blinking

;; This is really great.

(let ((interval (make-interval 20)))
        (push-attribute-mixin 'blink-mixin interval)
      (push-attribute-mixin 'underline-mixin interval)

=> #<Standard-Interval+Blink-Mixin+Underline-Mixin [0-20] @ #x2052ac52>

;; This is not so good.

(let ((interval (make-interval 20)))
        (push-attribute-mixin 'blink-mixin interval)
      (push-attribute-mixin 'underline-mixin interval)
  (interval-attribute interval))

=> "^[[4m" ; turn on underline, sigh...

The question is (finally) how do I concatenate the results of all
these mixins? Do I have the right idea using CLOS or am I doing this
wrong? And does anyone think this method maybe a good idea for the
problem (which I probably didn't describe very well) or should I try
something else, and if so, what would that be?

I could post some more code if necessary.

And, the Standard-interval instances should have been
display-intervals but I forgot until now. The problem is the same

I tried using `define-method-combination' but failed miserably. I
could write a couple (thousand) macros or functions to do this, but
that seems less fun than the tree idea.

I could also just skip the line attributes - but this would be less
than satisfying... ugh.

Thanks for any replies...
From: Steve Gonedes
Subject: Re: CLOS and dynamic class creation question
Message-ID: <>
Steve Gonedes <········> writes:
< (defun push-attribute-mixin (mixin attribute)
<   (let* ((name (concatenate 'string
<                  (symbol-name (type-of attribute))
<             "+" (symbol-name mixin)))
<          (symbol (intern name #.*package*))
<          (class (or (find-class symbol nil)
<                     (clos:ensure-class symbol
<                       :direct-superclasses (list mixin
<                                (class-of attribute))))))
<     (change-class attribute class)))

I forgot to mention this was Erik Naggum's idea from a post some time
ago. Wasn't trying to discredit him, just didn't think about it until