From: ······
Subject: Gabriel benchmarks for ACL 5.0, LWW 4.1.14, Cormanlisp 1.2
Message-ID: <79cogi$v2f$>
I recently ran the Gabriel benchmarks on my Pentium 90Mhz laptop for
three current Common Lisp products. Cormanlisp compares better than I
expected. Benchmarks as downloaded from:
Benchmarks run with (optimize (speed 3) (safety 1) (space 0)) except
where otherwise noted , although I don't think Cormanlisp 1.2 responds
to optimization levels.
Franz Harlequin Roger Corman
ACL 5.0 LWW 4.1.14 Cormanlisp 1.2
BOYER 1.542 18.226 [2]
BROWSE 1.542 4.366 6.611
CTAK 0.231 0.101 1.021
DDERIV 0.731 1.462 0.462
DERIV 0.450 1.522 0.381
DESTRU 0.303 0.341 0.346
DIV2 0.431 1.281 0.328
FFT 0.130 3.876[1] 9.090
FPRINT 0.889 0.155 2.114
FREAD 0.350 0.756[1] 1.430
FRPOLY 4.957 4.336[1] 5.339
PUZZLE 3.835 1.833 14.016
STAK 0.255 0.095 1.825
TAK 0.231 0.240 0.343
TAKL 0.140 0.180 0.228
TAKR 0.075 0.108 0.108
TRAVERSE 3.374 5.308 17.001
TRIANG 13.119 3.495 96.178
[1] Used safety 3, speed 1, space 1, because will not compile or run
at optimize settings.
[2] Would not compile.
John Watton
Alcoa Inc.
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