From: Shiv
Subject: Any method in ACL5.0.1's optimization madness?
Message-ID: <>
I was trying to implement the simple function: Given two 1-dimensional
single-float arrays, a and b, and three fixnums i, j and n, form the
following sum:

  sum_{k=0}^{n-1} a[(i*n)+k] * k[(j*n)+k]

where the notation is mathematical (non-Lisp).

Here is a first attempt:

(defun obvious (a i b j n)
   (declare (type (simple-array single-float (*)) a b)
	    (fixnum i j n)	
	    (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (space 0) (debug 0)))
   (let ((acc 0.0)
	 (n*i (the fixnum (* n i)))
	 (n*j (the fixnum (* n j))))
      (declare (single-float acc)
	       (fixnum n*i n*j))
      (do ((ak n*i (1+ ak))
	   (bk n*j (1+ bk)))
	  ((>= ak (the fixnum (+ n n*i))) acc)
	(declare (fixnum ak bk))
	(incf acc (* (aref a ak) (aref b bk))))))

Unfortunately ACL5.0.1(Solaris) does not allocate acc in a register
even though it *seems* (via the :explain declaration) to be doing so.

Now here is the weird apart.  If I define an intermediate function to
do the simpler sum

	sum_{k=0}^{n-1} a[i+k] * b[j+k]

(defun intermediate (a i b j n)
  (declare (type (simple-array single-float (*)) a b)
	   (fixnum i j n)
	   (optimize (speed 3) (safety 0) (debug 0) (space 0)))
  (let ((acc 0.0))
    (declare (single-float acc))
    (do ((ak i (1+ ak))
	 (bk j (1+ bk)))
	((>= ak (+ i n)) acc)
      (declare (fixnum ak bk))
      (incf acc (* (aref a ak) (aref b bk))))))

and then make the definition:

(defun nonobvious (a i b j n)
  (intermediate a (* i n) b (* j n) n))

everything works out fine.  When ACL5.0.1 compiles intermediate it
happily assigns acc to a register!  (I tried a bizzillion other
combinations before I hit on this one.)  This is completely bizarre to
me; both do loops are almost identical!!!!!

Unfortunately, I have a lot of similar code and ACL's treatment of
loops is hard to predict.  Does anyone (especially from Franz) know of
a method in this (highly frustrating) madness?  For example suppose I
want to implement this sum:

 sum_{k=0}^{n-1} a[i + (k*da)] * b[j + (k*da)]

Then one would think that

(defun second-sum (a i da b j db n)
   (declare (type (simple-array single-float (*)) a b)
	    (fixnum i j n da db))
   (let ((acc 0.0)
	 (last-ak (the fixnum (+ i (* n da)))))
      (declare (single-float acc)
	       (fixnum last-ak))
      (do ((ak i (+ ak da))
	   (bk j (+ bk db)))
	  ((>= ak last-ak) acc)
	(declare (fixnum ak bk))
	(incf acc (* (aref a ak) (aref b bk))))))

would do the trick, since it is so similar to "intermediate".
However, it doesn't.  ACL does not assign acc to a register :( Any
help will be appreciated. Thanks,
