From: Vassil Nikolov
Subject: Re: Returning functions
Message-ID: <l03130304b3d7a3ba4014@>
Hidayet Tunc Simsek wrote:                [1999-08-11 10:56 -0700]

  > > * COMPILE of NIL and a lambda-expression.
  > > 
  > Yes, since it is called to finalize some functions defined in a class.
  > I don't think coerce is any different from eval (although I'm not sure
  > about its semantics).  The last option I don't understand.

No, COERCE is indeed not different from EVAL with respect to making
functions but it makes the programmer's intent clearer.  As to the last one:

  (compile nil form-returning-lambda-expression)

produces a function object which would do the same as the result of

  (coerce form-returning-lambda-expression 'function)

except that the call to COMPILE will produce a compiled function, i.e.
one which would run faster at the expense of being more slow to make.
(Note: in some implementations, all functions are compiled, so the
call to COERCE might have the same effect.)

Vassil Nikolov
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