From: Louis Glassy
Subject: Call-by-pattern in Lisp?
Message-ID: <703mpb$sc5$>
Is it possible in Lisp to implement call-by-pattern,
as in the functional language Hope?

In call-by-pattern you do pattern matching on the arguments of a
function, to decide what to do with them.

Moth-eaten factorial example:  (Hope code follows)

! myfact is a function that takes a number to a number.
dec myfact : num -> num;               

! if the arg to myfact is a number, return n * myfact of n-1.
--- myfact (n) <= n * myfact(n-1);

! if the arg to myfact is 0, return a 1.
--- myfact (0) <= 1;

! example of a call to myfact().
>> 24 : num

The neat thing in Hope is that you can write the constraints
(or definitions) in any order; the most specific pattern will
be selected for a given call.  So the function myfact() defined
above will in fact terminate (for small positive integer values
of n -- Hope generally uses fixnums), even tho' the definition
is "backward."

So I'm wondering if something like this could be done in Lisp...

(I'm just doodling here...

(defun fact #p( 0 )

(defun fact #p( n )
   (* n (fact (- n 1))))

where #p(...) is my home-made syntax for a "pattern", 
and these separate "definitions" operationally 
coalesce into roughly what you think they should:

(defun fact (n)
   (cond ((eql n 0) 
	  (* n (fact (- n 1))))))

The syntax I've introduced above --- #p(...) for patterns ---
is nothing I'm wed to.  It's just the first thing that popped
into my mind, thinking of #c(..) for complex values.  So if you
have a more Lisp-like and/or cleaner alternative, feel free 
to improve on my first effort.

One might wonder -- why would anyone want to do this?  Is there
any advantage to call-by-pattern over the usual parameter-association
mechanism we use in Lisp?

I don't have a solid answer to that, beyond --- call-by-pattern
seems to give us function definitions that are simpler
to read, for some cases.  Conventionally, we gobble up an argument
list, examine the args, possible pre-digest them somewhat, then 
branch into various alternatives to really make progress towards
the answer we want.  In call-by-pattern, some (or maybe all) of 
the "deciding" happens up-front, right when you specify the argument-list
to the function.  It's a declarative approach to problem-solving,
and while I'm not convinced that this is The One True Way we
should solve everything, it seems to me it has its uses...

So I'm curious -- do you think something like this could be 
implemented in Lisp?  (By "Lisp", I mean "Common Lisp").

Thanks in advance-


From: David B. Lamkins
Subject: Re: Call-by-pattern in Lisp?
Message-ID: <2TdV1.1060$>
In article <············> , Louis Glassy
<······>  wrote:

>Is it possible in Lisp to implement call-by-pattern,
>as in the functional language Hope?
>In call-by-pattern you do pattern matching on the arguments of a
>function, to decide what to do with them.
>Moth-eaten factorial example:  (Hope code follows)
>! myfact is a function that takes a number to a number.
>dec myfact : num -> num;               
>! if the arg to myfact is a number, return n * myfact of n-1.
>--- myfact (n) <= n * myfact(n-1);
>! if the arg to myfact is 0, return a 1.
>--- myfact (0) <= 1;
>! example of a call to myfact().
>>> 24 : num
>The neat thing in Hope is that you can write the constraints
>(or definitions) in any order; the most specific pattern will
>be selected for a given call.  So the function myfact() defined
>above will in fact terminate (for small positive integer values
>of n -- Hope generally uses fixnums), even tho' the definition
>is "backward."
>So I'm wondering if something like this could be done in Lisp...
>(I'm just doodling here...
>(defun fact #p( 0 )
>   1)
>(defun fact #p( n )
>   (* n (fact (- n 1))))
>where #p(...) is my home-made syntax for a "pattern", 
>and these separate "definitions" operationally 
>coalesce into roughly what you think they should:
>(defun fact (n)
>   (cond ((eql n 0) 
>          1)
>         (t 
>   (* n (fact (- n 1))))))
>The syntax I've introduced above --- #p(...) for patterns ---
>is nothing I'm wed to.  It's just the first thing that popped
>into my mind, thinking of #c(..) for complex values.  So if you
>have a more Lisp-like and/or cleaner alternative, feel free 
>to improve on my first effort.
>One might wonder -- why would anyone want to do this?  Is there
>any advantage to call-by-pattern over the usual parameter-association
>mechanism we use in Lisp?
>I don't have a solid answer to that, beyond --- call-by-pattern
>seems to give us function definitions that are simpler
>to read, for some cases.  Conventionally, we gobble up an argument
>list, examine the args, possible pre-digest them somewhat, then 
>branch into various alternatives to really make progress towards
>the answer we want.  In call-by-pattern, some (or maybe all) of 
>the "deciding" happens up-front, right when you specify the argument-list
>to the function.  It's a declarative approach to problem-solving,
>and while I'm not convinced that this is The One True Way we
>should solve everything, it seems to me it has its uses...
>So I'm curious -- do you think something like this could be 
>implemented in Lisp?  (By "Lisp", I mean "Common Lisp").
>Thanks in advance-

Heh, heh. <g>  A new way to write factorial in Lisp:

? (defgeneric factorial (n))
? (defmethod factorial ((n (eql 0))) 1)
? (defmethod factorial ((n integer)) (* n (factorial (1- n))))
? (factorial 6)

Seriously, though, you probably want something more general than what your
example suggests.  CLOS methods can specialize on EQL objects (same object
or number).  To do _pattern_ matching, you'll have to do some work.  There
are some examples of unification pattern matchers in the Lisp literature;
see "Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in
Common Lisp", Norvig, 1992, Morgan Kaufmann, ISBN 1-55860-191-0 for one

I don't know your point of reference (Hope), so I don't know how general
you'd like your matcher to be.  There's a spectrum ranging from simple
identity (the CLOS example) to full unification.

As far as your #p(...) goes, that's an unfortunate choice, since Common Lisp
reserves #p as a reader macro for pathnames, as in #p"/foo/bar/baz.lisp". 
But, again, you _can_ introduce new syntax using reader macros.  Take a look
at chapter 23 of the Common Lisp Hyperspec at

David B. Lamkins <>
From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: Call-by-pattern in Lisp?
Message-ID: <joswig-1510980552450001@>
In article <············>, Louis Glassy
<······> wrote:

> Is it possible in Lisp to implement call-by-pattern,
> as in the functional language Hope?

Sure. He is an example for something mirnada-like.

(defmacro miranda (function-name (arg) &body forms)
  `(defun ,function-name (,arg)
     (select-match ,arg . ,forms)))

(miranda perms (x)
  ()      => '(())
  (_ . _) => [(cons a p) 
                (a <- x)
                (p <- (perms (remove a x :count 1)))])

> I don't have a solid answer to that, beyond --- call-by-pattern
> seems to give us function definitions that are simpler
> to read, for some cases.

Lisp already has detected that structures/classes sometimes are more
useful. Using lists as the one universal data structure is old style,
especially when your data structures are getting complex.
Using positional list patterns and writing a lot
of functions with them easily creates a maintenance
nightmare (you sure would need tools to help you update the patterns, etc).

From: Georg Bauer
Subject: Re: Call-by-pattern in Lisp?
Message-ID: <>
In article <·······················@>, ······
(Rainer Joswig) wrote:

>Sure. He is an example for something mirnada-like.

Damn. And I wrote ;-)

(ok, it was more training in macros, so it was worth the effort even if it
wasn't that usefull)

bye, Georg
