From: David J. Steele
Subject: Use of LISTEN or READ-CHAR-NO-HANG for Testing Keyboard Input
Message-ID: <6vcdn5$qck$>
Wonder if somebody can help me with the following problem:
I am working on a project for man-machine conversational
dialogue, and would like to be able to test for keyboard input
from the user such that, if the user has not responded within
x seconds, the machine would issue another prompt. It seems
to me that one ought to be able to use either LISTEN or READ-
CHAR-NO-HANG to test whether a character has been input
to the keyboard as *st andard-input*. I tried a test program
along the following lines:

(defun test-listen (&aux init sum next char input)                 ;Notes
  (setf init (car (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time)))           ;01
        sum 0)
    (setf next (car (multiple-value-list (get-decoded-time))))      ;02
      ((setf char
         (read-char-no-hang *standard-input* nil nil))
         (format t
 "~%Character ~a read from console after ~a seconds" char sum)
         (unread-char char)
         (setf input (read-line))
         (format t
 "~%Input = ~a" input)
      (t (when (not (eq next init))
           (setf sum (1+ sum)
                 init next)
           (format t
 "~%Another second elapsed; sum = ~a" sum))))))                ;10

;01  Initialise start of time measurement
;02  Get current time
;03  Is character available from the console?
;04  If so, print message as to time elapsed
;05  Push character back onto the front of the input stream
;06  Read input typed into the keyboard
;07  Confirm input read by (read-line)
;08  Return from loop and exit test function
;09  Otherwise, increment time at next even second elapsed
;10  Print message as to total time elapsed

but when I run it (or a similar version structured for LISTEN) keyboard
input is completely ignored and the program just keeps counting the
seconds. What am I doing wrong? I am using ACL Version 3.0.1.
Dave Steele
From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: Use of LISTEN or READ-CHAR-NO-HANG for Testing Keyboard Input
Message-ID: <8mrS1.37$>
In article <············>,
David J. Steele <········> wrote:
>but when I run it (or a similar version structured for LISTEN) keyboard
>input is completely ignored and the program just keeps counting the
>seconds. What am I doing wrong? I am using ACL Version 3.0.1.

If this is on Unix, the terminal driver is normally in line-at-a-time
mode.  Unless you've used a system-specific function to change to character
mode, neither LISTEN nor READ-CHAR-NO-HANG will detect characters available
until you hit RETURN, since the tty driver doesn't make them available to
the application until then.

Barry Margolin, ······
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