From: Steve Gonedes
Subject: Re: ACL5beta
Message-ID: <6jqbsm$>
Sam Steingold <ยทยทยท> writes:

< 2.  I regret to observe that ACL5beta still doesn't handle timezones
< correctly:
< user(2): (decode-universal-time  (get-universal-time))
< 37
< 29
< 21
< 18
< 5
< 1998
< 0
< t
< 0

I'm not sure what would be correct (I'm guessing a non zero for the
time-zone) in which case I get 6.

What is excl::*daylight-savings-time-observed-p* set to? Non-nil? I
think it can be set with the;

(excl:build-lisp-image "yadda.core" :dst t).

I think :dst is set to non-nil by default so maybe you should try
dropping a new core? You should try some other options, there's a
bunch of them (much better than a shell script).

< 3.  I am surprised to observe the following behavior of eval-when:
< save this into zz.lsp:
< --- zz.lsp ---
< (eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
<   (setq *read-default-float-format* 'double-float))
< (defun zz ()
<   (format t "--> *read-default-float-format*: ~a~%"
<           *read-default-float-format*))
< --- zz.lsp ---

Dunno, have you tried tpl:setq-default, I don't think that will work