From: Pierre Mai
Subject: Missing something or Bug in CMU CL Compiler with CLOS shared slots?
Message-ID: <>

I'm currently having some problems getting the following piece of code
to work:  Either I'm missing something WRT the interactions of
compilation and CLOS shared slots (:allocation :class), or there is a
bug in the CMU Compiler and/or it's CLOS implementation (PCL).

The following code works as espected if run interpreted in CMU CL
(Versions 17f, 18a+ on Linux/Intel and Version 18a on Alpha/DU4.0),
and when run compiled under ACL (Version 4.3 under Linux/Intel), but
produces the following result when run compiled (via compile-file or
compile 'pm-demo, irregardless of optimization settings) und CMU CL
(above versions):


* (pm-demo)
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 0 entries {9180125}> for init-instance of Demo 1 with (:NAME
                                                                                              "Demo 1").
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 0 entries {9181325}> for init-instance of Demo 2 with (:NAME
                                                                                            "Demo 2").
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 0 entries {9182375}> for init-instance of Demo 3 with (:NAME
                                                                                            "Demo 3").
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 0 entries {9183375}> for init-instance of Demo 4 with (:NAME
                                                                                            "Demo 4").
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 0 entries {9184375}> for init-instance of Demo 5 with (:NAME
                                                                                            "Demo 5").


Unexpectedly -- at least for me -- the id of the hash-table in slot
instance-hash changes with each make-instance, i.e. it seems it is
re-initialized each time.  Here I would have expected something like
this (interpreted), which is what ACL produces, too:


* (pm-demo)
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 0 entries {9022525}> for init-instance of Demo 1 with (:NAME
                                                                                              "Demo 1").
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 1 entry {9022525}> for init-instance of Demo 2 with (:NAME
                                                                                          "Demo 2").
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 2 entries {9022525}> for init-instance of Demo 3 with (:NAME
                                                                                            "Demo 3").
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 3 entries {9022525}> for init-instance of Demo 4 with (:NAME
                                                                                            "Demo 4").
Instance-Hash is #<EQUAL hash table, 4 entries {9022525}> for init-instance of Demo 5 with (:NAME
                                                                                            "Demo 5").


This is the source-file:


;;; Ein benanntes Objekt
(defclass Subjekt ()
  ((id :reader Objekt-Id :initform (gensym)
       :documentation "Unique Id des Objektes.")
   (name :reader Subjekt-Name :initarg :name)
   (instance-hash :allocation :class
		  :initform (make-hash-table :test #'equal)
		  :documentation "Hash-table aller Instanzen.")))

(defmethod print-object ((obj Subjekt) stream)
  "print-object Methode fuer Simulationssubjekte"
  (print-unreadable-object (obj stream :type t :identity t)
			   (format stream "ID:~A Name:~S" (Objekt-Id obj)
				   (Subjekt-Name obj))))

(defmethod initialize-instance :after ((self Subjekt) &rest initargs)
  (with-slots (name instance-hash) self
    (format t "Instance-Hash is ~S for init-instance of ~A with ~S.~%"
	    instance-hash name initargs)
    (let ((instance-alist (gethash name instance-hash))
	  (my-type (type-of self)))
      (when (assoc my-type instance-alist)
	(error "Objekt ~S existiert bereits..." name))
      (setf (gethash name instance-hash)
	    (acons my-type self instance-alist)))))

(defun demo ()
  (loop for i from 1 to 5
	do (make-instance 'Subjekt :name (format nil "Demo ~D" i))))


Any help and ideas, and best of all any bug-fix/work-around is _very_
appreciated, since the above problem crops up in a part of a
simulation framework I'm currently developping...


Regs, Pierre.

Pierre Mai <ยทยทยทยท>
  "Such is life." -- Fiona in "Four Weddings and a Funeral" (UK/1994)