From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: dictionary in lisp
Message-ID: <>
····· (kp gores) writes:

> i tried to put my words in a hash-table dict
> problem: hash-tables want sysmbols as keys.
> Q:       is there a way to make (setf (gethash "bla" dict) attribute-list )
> work?
> (i tried  
> (setf (gethash 'bla dict) attribute-list )
> (gethash (read-from-string word) dict) 
> with no success)

CL-USER 1 > (let ((dict (make-hash-table :test #'equalp)))
              (setf (gethash "foo" dict) '(bar baz))
              (gethash "foo" dict))