From: Bryant Brandon
Subject: I'm confused
Message-ID: <>
   I need to create a function that starts off with several keyword
arguments followed by a body.  This is just fine with a destructuring
bind, but the function chokes.
   What am I doing wrong and how do I work around this?

? (destructuring-bind ((&key a) &rest b) '((:a b) a)
    (list a b))
(B (A))
? ((lambda ((&key a) &rest b) (list a b)) '((:a b) b))
> Error: While compiling an anonymous function :
>        Bad lambda list : ((&KEY A) &REST B)
> Type Command-. to abort.
See the Restarts� menu item for further choices.
1 > 

   P.S.  Please cc responses by email.  Thanks!

B.B.       --I am not a goat!