From: [Invalid-From-Line]
Subject: backtracking in LISP versus PROLOG
Message-ID: <>
We all know how easy it is to backtrack in a logical language like
Prolog. In functional languages (LISP) however, this problem isn't so
easily solved, because a function can have only one result. 

Now the question; is there a standard programming style for backtracking
in Lisp ??

From: Erik Naggum
Subject: Re: backtracking in LISP versus PROLOG
Message-ID: <>
* <··············>
| We all know how easy it is to backtrack in a logical language like
| Prolog.  In functional languages (LISP) however, this problem isn't so
| easily solved, because a function can have only one result.

  evaluate (apropos "MULTIPLE-VALUE") in your favorite Common Lisp and
  re-evaluate your position after looking up these symbols in the standard
  or in the HyperSpec at

  "Where do you want to go to jail today?"
			-- U.S. Department of Justice Windows 98 slogan
From: David Bakhash
Subject: Re: backtracking in LISP versus PROLOG
Message-ID: <>
have you ever seen any non-deterministic LISP implementations?  There
are several ones out there, including a very basic one, fully coded in 
Paul Graham's `On Lisp: Advanced Topics'.

From: Jens Kilian
Subject: Re: backtracking in LISP versus PROLOG
Message-ID: <>
"<K>" <··············> writes:
> We all know how easy it is to backtrack in a logical language like
> Prolog. In functional languages (LISP) however, this problem isn't so
> easily solved, because a function can have only one result. 
> Now the question; is there a standard programming style for backtracking
> in Lisp ??

One way to do this is by treating success of a goal as a continuation call,
failure of a goal as function return.  Let me see if I can remember...

Prolog predicates:

	// Concatenation.
	append([H|T], L, [H|TL]) :-
	  append(T, L, TL).
	append([], L, L).

	// Naive reverse.
	nrev([H|T], R) :-
	  nrev(T, TR), append(TR, [H], R).
	nrev([], []).

Continuation-passing (binary) version:

	append([H|T], L, [H|TL], C) :-
	  append(T, L, TL, C).
	append([], L, L, C) :-

	nrev([H|T], R, C) :-
	  nrev(T, TR, append(TR, [H], R, C)).
	nrev([], [], C) :-

Mapped to pseudo-Scheme, omitting details of unification and management
of variable substitutions:

	(define (append x y z c)
	  (if (consp x)
	    (if "unify z with (cons (car x) z')"
	      (append (cdr x) y z' c))

            (if "unify y and z"

	(define (nrev x y c)
	  (if (consp x)
	    (nrev (cdr x)
	          (lambda ()
	            (append tr (cons (car x) nil) y c)))

	    (if "unify x and y"


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