From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: common hardware soup-ups?
Message-ID: <joswig-0507982156050001@>
In article <················>, ··· (Robert
Swindells) wrote:

> Nobody was going to buy a Symbolics based on how fast it ran FFT.

These machines were "fast" when it comes to things like Flavors,
sequence functions, reader, ... (Just my impression).
Slow things were for example the compiler itself.
Well, optimization declarations were mostly useless. You are getting
the normal speed without type declarations,etc. You will
get better speed with coding with respect to the memory architecture
(areas, ...) and by using specialized functions.
Also they had less consing and more speed due to the 40+8 bit
architecture, which gives you advantages for things
like TCP/IP code. Additionally the machine often has
less software architecture levels (like Oracle over ODBC
vs. Statice).