From: Jacques Duthen
Subject: Re: recursive macroexpansion
Message-ID: <>
Sam Steingold wrote:
> I know of macroexpand and macroexpand-1, but they do macroexpansion only
> for the top-level macro.  E.g.:
> (macroexpand '(macro1 (macro2) (macro3)))
>         => (something-to-which-macro1-finally-expands (macro2) (macro3))

This provides a good way to make a functional test against the macro.

> Is there a simple way to recursively macroexpand a form?  Like:
> (macroexpand-r '(macro1 (macro2) (macro3)))
>         => (something-to-which-macro1-finally-expands
>                 (something-to-which-macro2-finally-expands)
>                 (something-to-which-macro3-finally-expands))

The answers posted to the newsgroup show the numerous problems
you'll get to do that.
Now, my question: do you have a good reason to want that?
I mean: will this reason be good enough compared to the
problems it leads to?
I'm just curious.
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