From: ·······
Subject: LISP to Scheme
Message-ID: <>
 I have been using LISP for a couple of months and now am trying to
switch to Scheme. I'm having a little difficulty getting Scheme to map
user input to lists/vectors. Before in LISP I used code like this:

(defun final-make () 
(format t "~&And Finally enter the  ship's name: ")
(setf helper1 (read))
or this...
(mapcar #'stat-define stranger)))

(defun stat-define (x)
(format t "~& Enter ~a value for newship:"
(helper x)
(setf stranger2 (append stranger2 help)))))

(defun helper (x)
(setf help (list x (read)))))
read clearly doesn't function the same way in Scheme. The language
spec doesn't say much about it so any help would be greatly