From: Espen Vestre
Subject: Re: How to learn Lisp? Request for a good tutorial.
Message-ID: <>
········ writes:

> Hello.

hei :-)

> First, I need a BOOK (tutorial) on the subject. I'm looking for a
> general introduction where I can learn the Lisp "mindset" (my past
> programming experience mainly comes from C and Java, and I assume
> I could just as well have been a non-programmer). A good recommandation
> is kinda important, since my local university bookstore offers very few
> titles (none, to be exact), so I don't have the chance to browse.

my suggestion:

Start with Paul Graham's "ANSI Common Lisp" (Prentice Hall - ISBN 0133708756)
and then later you may consider "On Lisp" (same author) and "Paradigms
of Artificial Intelligence Programming" by Peter Norvig.  For an intellectual
exercise when you get really experienced, top off with "The Art of the
Meta Object Protocol" by Kiczales et al. (but before you get to that
stage you may consider dropping me a line and ask whether we have
a job for you ;-)).

> Second, I need a LISP environment. I have CMUCL 18a installed on my home
> box. Will that suffice, or should I install Linux and run Allegro CL
> instead (perhaps it could run under the FBSD Linux Emulator)? Can I use
> the Allegro Emacs-LISP interface with CMUCL?

Maybe start off with CMUCL, so you don't have to wait, but have the ACL 
option in mind?  (imho the best way to learn lisp is to probably to 
use MCL on a macintosh, since it's very easy to get started with and 
makes you concentrate on lisp programming only.  MCL is commercial, 
but not too expensive for students, and runs happily on relatively
weak machines)


  best regards,
    Espen Vestre
    Telenor Nextel AS