From: Ola Rinta-Koski
Subject: Reading vectors from file
Message-ID: <>
  I have to read in a file with the following format: the first line
  has a single integer, the following lines consist of vectors of
  floating-point values with dimensionality indicated by the integer,
  like this:

13.575570 12.656892 -1.424328 -2.302774 404.921600
13.844373 12.610620 -1.435429 -1.964423 404.978180
13.996934 12.669785 -1.384147 -1.830788 405.187378

  Here's the defun I wrote:

(defun read-vectors (input-file)
  (let (sample-vector-list)
    (with-open-file (input-file (merge-pathnames input-file))
		    (do* ((sample-vector-length (read input-file))
			  (sample-vector nil)
			  (line (read-line input-file) (read-line input-file nil 'eof)))
			((eq line 'eof) t)
		      (when (not (string-equal line ""))
			(setq sample-vector (make-array sample-vector-length))
			(with-open-stream (s (make-string-input-stream line))
					  (dotimes (i sample-vector-length)
					    (setf (aref sample-vector i)
						  (read s))))
			(push sample-vector sample-vector-list))))
    (values sample-vector-list)))

  It works, but somehow I have the feeling it's overly complicated.
  I'd welcome any suggestions on how to make it better (i.e. simpler,
  faster, better style, more memory-effective, whatever) - I'm
  re-learning Lisp after a long hiatus and would of course like to
  learn how to do things right.
Do you agree that I can buy five pizzas and get the sixth free?

From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: Reading vectors from file
Message-ID: <>
In article <··············>, Ola Rinta-Koski
<···············> wrote:

>   It works, but somehow I have the feeling it's overly complicated.
>   I'd welcome any suggestions on how to make it better (i.e. simpler,
>   faster, better style, more memory-effective, whatever) - I'm
>   re-learning Lisp after a long hiatus and would of course like to
>   learn how to do things right.

Another quick hack...

(defun read-vectors (input-file)
  (with-open-file (stream (merge-pathnames input-file))
    (let ((sample-vector-length (read stream nil nil)))
      (when sample-vector-length
        (loop for vector = (read-a-line sample-vector-length stream)
              while vector
              collect vector)))))

(defun read-a-line (dimension stream)
  (loop with vector = (make-array dimension) 
        for i from 0 below dimension
        for number = (read stream nil nil)
        unless number
        do (return-from read-a-line nil)
        do (setf (aref vector i) number)
        finally (return vector)))

From: Thomas A. Russ
Subject: Re: Reading vectors from file
Message-ID: <>
Perhaps you might want to consider having the function read the numbers
for the vectors in from the file itself rather than reading a line in as
a string and then running it through the read process again.

Perhaps something like:

(defun read-vectors (input-file)
  (with-open-file (input-file (merge-pathnames input-file))
      (let ((sample-vector-list nil)
            (sample-vector-length (read input-file))
	(block read-data
	   (loop ;; forever
              (let ((sample-vector (make-array sample-vector-length)))
		(dotimes (i sample-vector-length)
                  (setq datum (read input-file nil :eof))
	          (when (eq datum :eof)   ;; End Processing.
	            (return-from read-data))
	          (setf (aref sample-vector i) datum))
		(push sample-vector sample-vector-list))))
	(nreverse sample-vector-list))))

Thomas A. Russ,  USC/Information Sciences Institute          ···