From: Roos Van Raadshooven L.A. (Leon)
Subject: adding code to make-instance
Message-ID: <roosvanr.903483138@biceps>
Hi all,

I hope this question is not too FAQqy, but I'll ask it anyway.

I'm trying to add some code to be executed with every make-instance of some
class. I managed to do that for class1 in the code below, but it does not
work for calls to make-instance of classes derived from that class. I would
like to be able to do that too. So, in the code below, I would like the
the code in the :around method to be called for (make-instance 'class2).

The code:

(defclass class1 ()
    :initform nil
    :initarg :slot1
    :accessor get-slot1)))

(defmethod method1 ((this class1) &rest initargs)
  (list (get-slot1 this) initargs))

(defmethod make-instance :around ((cls (eql 'class1)) &rest options)
  (declare (ignore options))
  (let ((obj (call-next-method)))
    (format t "The created object-instance: ~s~%" obj)

(defclass class2 (class1) ())


Top level:

user(7): (setq qqqq (make-instance 'class1))
The created object-instance: #<class1 @ #x204f2d22>
#<class1 @ #x204f2d22>
user(8): (setq qqqq (make-instance 'class2))
#<class2 @ #x204f2eca>

I also tried replacing (eql 'class1) by (eql (find-class 'class1))
in the :around method, but that didn't work.

Thanks for your help,


From: Lyman S. Taylor
Subject: Re: adding code to make-instance
Message-ID: <6rf0fc$>
In article <··················@biceps>,
Roos Van Raadshooven L.A. (Leon) <········> wrote:
>I hope this question is not too FAQqy, but I'll ask it anyway.
>I'm trying to add some code to be executed with every make-instance of some

   I'm not sure that is the approach to take.... 

>(defmethod make-instance :around ((cls (eql 'class1)) &rest options)

    This method is defined on the singleton composed on CLASS1.  The 
    class itself is an object.  That object is an instance of a class
    object, just like  CLASS2.  However, the object that signifies 
    class2 isn't a subclass of CLASS1. Both are instances of the same
    class (objects which represent classes ). 

    Therefore, (make-instance 'class2 ) won't invoke the above method because
    the argument CLASS2 doesn't make it applicable.  The class CLASS1 is 
    the sole object is that is applicable to the above method.  In essence.

       (defmethod  foo  ((obj (eql 1 ))  ) ... )

    If you pass 2, it isn't a match. 

    What I think you wish to do is modify the initialization process.
    To do something to instances of CLASS1 at the time they are created. 
    There are a other generic functions can take additions to do this, not

     ;; presuming you don't wish to get a hold of any of the initiarg keywords
     ;;  the following ignores them...

    (defmethod  initialize-instance :after ( (obj class1 ) &key )    
        (format t "The created object-instance: ~s ~%" ojb )
        (force-output ) 

    This method is specialized on instances of CLASS1.  Since instances of
    CLASS2 are also instances of CLASS1, this method is also applicable to 
    them.   This method also presumes that you can "do" what ever you want
    done after the object has been initialized, but before its value is
    made generally available. 

CL-USER 1 > (setq some-class1  (make-instance 'class1 ))
The created object-instance: #<CLASS1 20F0C864> 
#<CLASS1 20F0C864>

CL-USER 2 > (setq some-class2 (make-instance 'class2))
The created object-instance: #<CLASS2 20F6BCC4> 
#<CLASS2 20F6BCC4>


Lyman S. Taylor			"Because no matter where you go,
(·····			there you are."
						Buckaroo Banzai
From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: adding code to make-instance
Message-ID: <rZzC1.28$>
In article <··················@biceps>,
Roos Van Raadshooven L.A. (Leon) <········> wrote:
>I'm trying to add some code to be executed with every make-instance of some
>class. I managed to do that for class1 in the code below, but it does not
>work for calls to make-instance of classes derived from that class. I would
>like to be able to do that too. So, in the code below, I would like the
>the code in the :around method to be called for (make-instance 'class2).

You need to define your method on a generic function that takes an
instance, not the class itself, so that inheritance will take place.  The
generic function INITIALIZE-INSTANCE is the function that works this way.

(defmethod initialize-instance :around ((self class1) &rest options)
  (declare (ignore options))
  (format t "The created object-instance: ~S~%" self)

Barry Margolin, ······
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