From: Alexander I. Baranovsky
Subject: "Imperative Analog" of LISP. Freeware Interpreter
Message-ID: <>
VIRT is a new object-oriented programming language. My  main goal  was
included  in creating  of the expressive programming language with the
minimal  number of  basic concepts. This  language  can be used as for
numerical  calculations and for knowledge  processing as well with the
same success. It supply the indivisible  language  environment for the
wide ranges of the problems.

In the beginnig I considered the VIRT language as improved  version of
Clipper. Now I rather think  about VIRT  as the  peculiar "von Neumann
analogy" of the language LISP.

Polymorphic  array  is one of the  built-in data types in the language
VIRT. Array element  can be any abstract data type object particularly
the  other  polymorphic  array. This  property  allows  effectively to
construct any complex  data  structures  (  such as  multi-dimensional
array, list, binary tree ) without using pointers during run-time. All
OOP  paradigmes  (  encapsulation,  inheritance,  polymorphism  )  are
represented in the language VIRT. This  language has flexible  control
structures and supports such concepts as  coroutine,  lazy evaluation.
However this is a very simple language.

The  language  VIRT has  been implemented by me as interpreter for the
protected  mode  MS  DOS. IDE  includes  specialized  text  editor and
debugger. This  language  has  been examined  by wide classes of tasks
such as  simulation of dynamic data structures, theorem proving, graph
algorithmes,  numerical methods of  linear  algebra, graphics applica-

The  three  papers  devoted to the  language VIRT are available at the
following URL: There is freeware version
of VIRT's interpreter with some demos. This interpreter quite suitable
for  writing  small  programs  and  testing  of  constructions  of the

There  are  some  examples  below.  With  these "bones" you can easily
reconstruct the whole "dinosaur".

------------------------- Demo 1 -------------------------------------

-- Basic concepts : ( polymorphic ) array, lambda-object
-- Subject : recursion, lazy evaluation

uses system                                 -- using file system.w

function Cond( A )
  for I:=1 to Card( A ) do
    if A[ I, 1 ] then
      R := EvalObject( A[ I, 2 ], [] )
      goto Fin
  label Fin
return R
                        -- factorial in LISP-style
function Fact( N )
return Cond( [ [ N = 1, 1 ] , [ N > 1, { || N * Fact( N - 1 ) } ] ] )

writeln( Fact( 5 ) )

return     -- Terminate program

The notes.
You can see that syntax is similar to the Modula-2. The expression in
curly  brackets  is  defined  a  lambda-function  (  lambda-object ).
Generally the  labmda-object can  has some  parameters. ( In our case
parameters is absent ).  Lambda-object is analog of the code block in
the Clipper language but here it has  some  additional properties. In
the  given  example  the  use  of  the  lambda-object allows to avoid
infinite recursion.

------------------------- Demo 2 ------------------------------------

-- Basic concepts : class, object, constructor
-- Subject : abstract data type construction

class Point
  function Init( InitX, InitY ) constructor
  function "<"( Z )  -- The function sets definition of the operation "<"
  function Draw()

class Circle : Point
  function Init( InitX, InitY, InitR ) constructor
  function "<"( Z )  -- Overlapping the function "<"  from the class Point
  function Draw()    -- Overlapping the function Draw from the class Point

implementation Point

  local X, Y, shared Num            -- object's fields

  function Init( InitX, InitY )
    X := InitX
    Y := InitY
    if Null( Num ) then
      Num := 0
    end                -- Num is shared for all objects of class Point
    Num := Num + 1
  return 0

  function Norm()              -- This is a private method
  return X*X + Y*Y

  function "<"( Z )
  return Norm() < Z.Norm()

  function Draw() external     -- The external function hasn't a body

implementation Circle

  local R

  function Init( InitX, InitY, InitR )
    Point.Init( InitX, InitY )
    R := InitR
  return 0

  function GetR() inline
  return R

  function "<"( Z )
  return R < Z.GetR()

  function Draw() external

---- Main program -----

object P : Point             -- This is a object's declaration.
P.Init( 3, 5 )
object Q( -4, 17 ) : Point
S := Point( 8, 7 )           -- Implicit constructor call
R := Q                       -- Assignment is defined by default.
if R < P then                -- Using operation "<"
  writeln( 'R less   then P' )
  writeln( 'R greate then P' )

The notes.
The operations  ":=", "=", "<>" are defined for any abstract data type
objects by default. The concept  of "destructor" is not present in the
language VIRT. ( This concept is not necessary here ).

------------------------- Demo 3 ------------------------------------

-- Basic concepts : array
-- Subject : structured data processing

uses system

--  Creation of a matrix

    A := array( N )   --  implicit constructor call
    for I:=1 to N do
      A[ I ] := array( M )

    A[ 3][ 5 ] := 3.14
    A[ 3, 5 ]  := 3.14

-- Creation of a list

   L := [ 77, [ 'abc', [ 4.7, * ] ] ]

   P == L[ 2 ]          -- Identify P with [ 'abc', [ 4.7, * ] ]
   P << [ 'cd', << P ]  -- Result : L = [ 77, [ 'abc', [ 'cd', [ 4.7, * ] ] ] ]

-- Printing of the list

   P == L
   while not Null( P ) do
     writeln( P[ 1 ] )
     P == P[ 2 ]

-- Deletion from the list

   P == L[2][2]

   temp << P[ 2 ]
   Destroy( @P )
   P << temp            -- Result : L = [ 77, [ 'abc', [ 4.7, * ] ] ]


The notes.
We can  update a list and a tree effectively. We can build and update a
two-way list, a cycled list, balanced tree with the same success. ( See
my paper under URL above ).

------------------------- Demo 4 ------------------------------------

-- Basic concepts : string, functions EvalExpr, EvalLine
-- Subject : string evaluation

   uses system

   X := 10
   Y := EvalExpr( 'X + 1' )
   EvalLine( 'Z := X - Y' )
-- Result : Y = 11, Z = -1

------------------------- Demo 5 ------------------------------------

-- Basic concepts : corutine
-- Subject : corutine

uses system

class C
  function F1()
  function F2()
  function F3()

implementation C

  function F1()
    writeln( 1 )
    resume F2()
    writeln( 2 )
    resume F2()
  return 0

  function F2()
      writeln( 'abc' )
      resume F3()
    until FALSE
  return 0

  function F3()
    writeln( 'xyz' )
    resume F1()
  return 0


--- Main program -------------------

  object A : C
  writeln( A.F1() )


------------------------- Demo 6 ------------------------------------

-- Basic concepts : array, lambda-object, abstract data type ( clause )
-- Subject : knowledge representation
-- Compare with "Chang C.L. and Lee R.C.T.Symbolic Logic and
-- Mechanical Theorem Proving", Academic Press, New York, 1973.

uses system, chang           -- using files system.w, chang.w
  N := 50
  A := array( 50 )

  default ==
  A[ 1 ] := Clause( { |X|   [['+','L',X,['F',X]]                ]})
  A[ 2 ] := Clause( { |X|   [['-','L',X,X]                      ]})
  A[ 3 ] := Clause( { |X,Y| [['-','L',X,Y],['-','L',Y,X]        ]})
  A[ 4 ] := Clause( { |X,Y| [['-','D',X,['F',Y]],['+','L',Y,X]  ]})
  A[ 5 ] := Clause( { |X|   [['+','P',X],['+','D',['H',X],X]    ]})
  A[ 6 ] := Clause( { |X|   [['+','P',X],['+','P',['H',X]]      ]})
  A[ 7 ] := Clause( { |X|   [['+','P',X],['+','L',['H',X],X]    ]})
  A[ 8 ] := Clause( { |X|   [['-','P',X],['-','L','A',X],['+','L',['F','A'],X]  ]})

  W := array( N )
  for I:=3 to N do
    W[ I ] := [ 1, 2 ]

  writeln( 'Theorem 9 :' )
  writeln( 'The set of prime numbers is unlimited' )

  TPU( A, W, N, 20 )


The benchmarks ( See monography above, Appendix A ) :

                 interpreter XLISP (sec)    interpreter VIRT (sec)
   Theorem 1           17.11                       6.87
   Theorem 2           81.04                      69.12
   Theorem 3           27.12                      15.71
   Theorem 4           33.34                      10.60
   Theorem 5            5.59                       3.74
   Theorem 6          135.15                       8.74
   Theorem 7           26.33                      19.67
   Theorem 8             -                          -
   Theorem 9           17.45                      17.20

( computer 386SX-20, real mode MS DOS ).

------------------------- Demo 7 -------------------------------------------

-- Basic concepts : function EvalExpr
-- Subject : knowledge representation, linking with Prolog and Datalog.

   uses system, chang
   S  := 'grandfather(X,Y) :- father(X,Z), mother(Z,Y)'
   S1 := GetClause( S ) --   GetClause is written on the VIRT language
-- S1 = '{ |X,Y,Z| [['+','grandfather',X,Y],['-','father',X,Z],['-','mother',Z,Y]] }'
   C := Clause( EvalExpr( S1 ) )


Alexander I. Baranovsky
Flat 265, Constitution's square, 1
Donetsk, Ukraine.
E-mail : ·······
Tel. 380622-371978