From: Dennis de Champeaux
Subject: clisp on win95
Message-ID: <>
We are using clisp that originates from Karlsruhe on a vanilla win95 box.
Here the puzzle:

- Our clisp interpreter starts nicely and, as I understand it, consumes
about 2MB of space (even when one requests upto 64MB)
- The documentation describes that it increments space as needed at run
- Things run fine when small (a few KB) data files are loaded in
- The whole thing crashes rudely when a 900KB file is loaded in:
*** - handle_fault error2 ! address = 0x1800000C not in
SIGSEGV cannot be cured. Fault address = 0x1800000C.

A- Clisp is intrinsically sick
B- Clisp is OK but runs into swap space limitations
C- Clisp cant increment dynamically space under win95
D- ??

Please send suggestions to:

TX a lot!
Dennis de Champeaux   OntoOO Inc  email: ··· & ···
Page: 408 581 2185    Mesg & Fax: 408 559 7264      Res: 408 559 9413  
Address: 14519 Bercaw Ln, San Jose, CA 95124, USA

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