From: Kevin Haddock
Subject: a simple string concatenation
Message-ID: <>
Hi, I'm somewhat new to lisp and I cannot seem to find a function to do
what I would like.  I could write one but I think that I must be missing
something.  What I want to do is turn a list of numbers into an ascii
key by converting them into single characters with a large radix and
concatenating them together or if my numbers are going to be of too
great a magnitude, into multiple character numbers seporated by some
seporator character such as a dot.

This is what does it for me in elisp:

(defun toakey (val)
  (mapconcat (function (lambda (x) (char-to-string (+ 64 x)))) val ""))

When I try to do something similar in clisp I keep getting type errors:

(defun toakey (val)
  (concatenate 'string (mapcar 'list (function
                                   (lambda (x) (format "~X" x)))) val))
I have tried it a lot of different ways and still don't seem to
be getting anywhere.

Basically, what I need is some sort of iterative format or print to
string that can take a list of strings or numbers as my argument.

(map 'list #'(lambda (x) (format nil "~X." x)) '(1 35 22 108 37 3))

gives me the numbers in the list converted into strings.  Now if I
could just somehow merge them together, I would be set.

Any help would be appreciated,



From: Kent M Pitman
Subject: Re: a simple string concatenation
Message-ID: <>
Kevin Haddock <········> writes:

> Basically, what I need is some sort of iterative format or print to
> string that can take a list of strings or numbers as my argument.

(format nil "~{~X~^.~}" '(1 2 10 16 17)) 
=> "1.2.A.10.11" ;Hex values separated by dots

(format nil "~{~2,'0X~}" '(1 2 10 16 17))
=> "01020A1011" ;Hex values two columns each, padded left wtih 0's
From: Steve Gonedes
Subject: Re: a simple string concatenation
Message-ID: <6heuom$>
Kevin Haddock <········> writes:

< Basically, what I need is some sort of iterative format or print to
< string that can take a list of strings or numbers as my argument.

(format *terminal-io* "~%~{~X~^.~}"
  '(#\1 "35" #b100101 108 #p"/usr/local/lib/" 37 3))


The ~% is a newline, ~X is base 16, ~{ means do this to the argument
(which is a perfect list) until you get to this ~}. The really useful
~^ says stop here when the last item in the list is reached (prevents
the final `.'). You would almost think format was designed for this
sort of thing - but it always seems like a bad idea to use it for
anything other than output.

I don't believe it is a good idea to use a sequence function on many
different data types at the same time like my example did. I also
wouldn't try to print a pathname as hexidecimal as it doesn't convert
very well.

This will work as well, but map-into is destructive and not as
flexable as the format example.

(let ((l (list 1 35 #\a 108 37 3)))
       (coerce (map-into l #'character l) 'string))

=> "^A#al%^C"


(nsubstitute #\. #\Space
  (write-to-string '(1 35 22 108 37 3) :base 2))

=>  "(1.100011.10110.1101100.100101.11)"

Maybe (sxhash "anything") could be useful?

< gives me the numbers in the list converted into strings.  Now if I
< could just somehow merge them together, I would be set.

(apply #'concatenate 'string '("1." "23." "16." "6c." "25." "3."))

=> ""

You should check out the function merge, it is very nice; it is
destructive like sort and stable-sort.

Hope this helps some, have fun and enjoy your night.
From: Thomas A. Russ
Subject: Re: a simple string concatenation
Message-ID: <>
Kevin Haddock <········> writes:

> (map 'list #'(lambda (x) (format nil "~X." x)) '(1 35 22 108 37 3))


 (format nil "~{~X~^.~}" '(1 35 22 108 37 3))

   ==>  """

or if you want to have the non-numeric digits in uppercase:

 (format nil ···@(~{~X~^.~}~)" '(1 35 22 108 37 3))

   ==>  """

For larger radix (up to about 36 on my system) you can substitute ~R
with an appropriate parameter:

  (format nil "~{~36R~^.~}" '(1 35 22 108 37 3))

   ==>  "1.z.m.30.11.3"

Thomas A. Russ,  USC/Information Sciences Institute          ···