From: Rolf-Thomas Happe
Subject: Re: conditionals in flet: symbol-function =/= #' ?!
Message-ID: <>
In article <·············@WINTERMUTE.eagle> SDS
<···········> writes:

   operates on the global definition of zz. The question remains: is there
   a way to flet a local function conditionally?

   What I will be doing for now is:

   (let ((zz (if whatever #'(lambda (xx) (1- xx)) #'(lambda (xx) (1+ xx)))))
     (funcall zz xx))

   I am pretty sure it will work, although it does look kind of ugly.

You can also use the conditional LET from On_Lisp.  The example above would
	(condlet ((whatever? (zz #'1-))
		  (t         (zz #'1+)))
 	  (funcall zz xx))

If there are several conditional branches, the CONDLET macro looks probably
better than `(let ((zz (cond ...'.  The definition follows in the PS.
No hope, though, to build a COND-FLET in a similar way, since the
macro definition relies on the fact that the locals are usual 
lexical variables `(lambda (zz) ...'


PS: excerpt from onlisp.lisp, available online.

; This code is copyright 1993 by Paul Graham, but anyone who wants 
; to use the code in any nonprofit activity, or distribute free
; verbatim copies (including this notice), is encouraged to do so.

(defun mappend (fn &rest lsts)
  (apply #'append (apply #'mapcar fn lsts)))

(defmacro condlet (clauses &body body)
  (let ((bodfn (gensym))
        (vars (mapcar #'(lambda (v) (cons v (gensym)))
                        (mapcar #'car 
                                (mappend #'cdr clauses))))))
    `(labels ((,bodfn ,(mapcar #'car vars)
       (cond ,@(mapcar #'(lambda (cl)
                           (condlet-clause vars cl bodfn))

(defun condlet-clause (vars cl bodfn)
  `(,(car cl) (let ,(mapcar #'cdr vars)
                (let ,(condlet-binds vars cl)
                  (,bodfn ,@(mapcar #'cdr vars))))))

(defun condlet-binds (vars cl)
  (mapcar #'(lambda (bindform)
              (if (consp bindform)
                  (cons (cdr (assoc (car bindform) vars))
                        (cdr bindform))))
          (cdr cl)))
Getretener Quark wird weich und breit.	(Tucholsky)