From: Jason
Subject: Where can I find *solid* Lisp documentation, syntax or sample code?
Message-ID: <62mnps$b14$>
Where can I find some straightforward documentation or syntax on the Lisp 
language? Netsites?  Universities?

I have searched, but there's so many sites and I am not familiar with the
language so I cannot be a good judge of which is best.

if anyone would reply to me by email I'd appreciate it.

Jason Chesshir

From: Jon S Anthony
Subject: Re: Where can I find *solid* Lisp documentation, syntax or sample code?
Message-ID: <>
········ (Jason) writes:

> Where can I find some straightforward documentation or syntax on the Lisp 
> language? Netsites?  Universities?

Paul Graham's two books are really very good:

 o ANSI Common Lisp
 o On Lisp

A decent starting page for on line resources:

Jon Anthony
Synquiry Technologies, Ltd., Belmont, MA 02178, 617.484.3383
"Nightmares - Ha!  The way my life's been going lately,
 Who'd notice?"  -- Londo Mollari