I don't know much about lisp. And I want to do a question on lisp as
follows. Can anyone help me with this question?
I want to write a function to prints it out in dot notation:
>(showdots '(x y z))
And the output should look like this:
(X . (Y . (Z . NIL)))
I am looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks.
In article <·················@isu.edu>, fokchi <······@isu.edu> wrote:
>I don't know much about lisp. And I want to do a question on lisp as
>follows. Can anyone help me with this question?
Why do you need to do this?
>I want to write a function to prints it out in dot notation:
>>(showdots '(x y z))
>And the output should look like this:
>(X . (Y . (Z . NIL)))
(defun showdots (list)
(if (null list) (format t "~S" list)
(progn (format t "(~S . " (car list))
(showdots (cdr list))
(format t ")"))))
Barry Margolin, ······@bbnplanet.com
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