From: Valentino Kyriakides
Subject: ACL 4.1 and eli-xxx problem?
Message-ID: <61qits$fgm$>
I recently tried out all of the "eli-xxx" Emacs environments for ACL 4.1 NeXT
(even the supplied one by ACL 4.1 for NeXT) and discovered the following problem:

Starting image `/usr/local/bin/cl'
  with no arguments
  in directory `/Users/vkyr/'
  on machine `timebandit'.

Allegro CL 4.1 [NeXT; R1] (9/6/97 17:00)
Copyright (C) 1985-1992, Franz Inc., Berkeley, CA, USA.  All Rights Reserved.
;; Optimization settings: safety 1, space 1, speed 1, debug 2
;; For a complete description of all compiler switches given the current
;; optimization settings evaluate (EXPLAIN-COMPILER-SETTINGS).

;; Starting socket daemon and emacs-lisp interface...

The scheduler is attempting to recover from Funcall of NIL which is a non-function..

The scheduler is attempting to recover from
Non-structure argument NIL passed to structure-ref.

The scheduler is attempting to recover from
Non-structure argument NIL passed to structure-ref.

The above message "The scheduler is attempting..." is repeated
infinite times and I have always to quit the runnung process in 
order to get out of this loop!

I would like to know if somebody ever managed it to use one of 
the ACL eli-xxx Emacs environments under ACL 4.1 for NeXTstep?

I used an actual version of Emacs_for_NeXTstep which is
"GNU Emacs 19.34.2 for m68k-next-nextstep3" with these
Franz eli-xxx Emacs environments.

The eli test/check command "M-x fi:verify-emacs-support"
always reports:  "everything looks fine!"!

However, the startup via "M-x common-lisp" doesn't look
fine, as the above output shows.

Does somebody know what might be wrong and how to fix this???

Thanks in advance


  Valentino Kyriakides     Universitaet Hamburg, FB. Informatik 
                              Arbeitsbereich Softwaretechnik    
    E-Mail:   ········  (ASCII, MIME) 
  NeXTmail:   ····················        