From: Sean Doran
Subject: CMUCL compiler bug?  (old lazy-list data not gc-ed)
Message-ID: <>
I'm using the following CMUCL system:

CMU Common Lisp 18a.97.08.24, running on
Send bug reports and questions to your local CMU CL maintainer, or to
Loaded subsystems:
    Python 1.0, target Intel x86
    CLOS based on PCL version:  September 16 92 PCL (f)
    CLX X Library MIT R5.02
    Motif toolkit and graphical debugger 1.0
    Hemlock 3.5

(and yes I did try ·········· :-) )

and the following source code file:

; from graham, p. 211

(defconstant unforced (gensym))
(defstruct delay forced closure)

(defmacro delay (expr)
  (let ((self (gensym)))
    `(let ((,self (make-delay :forced unforced)))
       (setf (delay-closure ,self)
	     #'(lambda ()
		 (setf (delay-forced ,self) ,expr)))

(defun force (x)
  (if (delay-p x)
      (if (eq (delay-forced x) unforced)
	  (funcall (delay-closure x))
	(delay-forced x))

; me

(defun search-ll (pred ll)
    "search a lazy list"
    (let ((lis (force ll)))
      (if (funcall pred (car lis)) lis
	(search-ll pred (cdr lis)))))

(defun counter (i)
 (delay (cons i (counter (+ i 1)))))

and when I load this and invoke:

time (search-ll (lambda (n) (= n 5000)) (counter 0)))
Compiling LAMBDA NIL: 
Compiling Top-Level Form: 
[GC threshold exceeded with 2,000,384 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 176,128 bytes retained and 1,824,256 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 2,176,128 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 2,176,512 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 374,784 bytes retained and 1,801,728 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 2,374,784 bytes are in use.]

Evaluation took:
  10.4 seconds of real time
  8.843696 seconds of user run time
  0.251432 seconds of system run time
  [Run times include 0.77 seconds GC run time]
  1580 page faults and
  5493248 bytes consed.
        :FORCED #:G415
        :CLOSURE #<Interpreted Function "LAMBDA (I)" {91BECD1}>))

(I see a nice essentially linear curve as I adjust the value of n to
test for; for n=50000, for example:

Evaluation took:
  115.39 seconds of real time
  96.352486 seconds of user run time
  2.173703 seconds of system run time
  [Run times include 14.62 seconds GC run time]
  19427 page faults and
  54946304 bytes consed.)

This is really slow so I compile and load the resulting
.x86f file.

* (time (search-ll (lambda (n) (= n 50000)) (counter 0)))
Compiling LAMBDA NIL: 
Compiling Top-Level Form: 
[GC threshold exceeded with 2,348,032 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 2,067,968 bytes retained and 280,064 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 4,067,968 bytes are in use.]

Evaluation took:
  1.42 seconds of real time
  0.982011 seconds of user run time
  0.059257 seconds of system run time
  [Run times include 0.8 seconds GC run time]
  955 page faults and
  2078720 bytes consed.
        :FORCED #:G423
        :CLOSURE #<Closure Over Function "DEFUN COUNTER" {9045661}>))

which is nice nut if I try for 500000, I see that the
garbage collector is not recovering memory:

* (time (search-ll (lambda (n) (= n 500000)) (counter 0)))
Compiling LAMBDA NIL: 
Compiling Top-Level Form: 
[GC threshold exceeded with 3,899,392 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 1,711,616 bytes retained and 2,187,776 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 3,711,616 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 3,712,000 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 3,708,928 bytes retained and 3,072 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 5,708,928 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 5,709,312 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 5,707,776 bytes retained and 1,536 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 7,707,776 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 7,708,160 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 7,703,552 bytes retained and 4,608 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 9,703,552 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 9,703,936 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 9,700,352 bytes retained and 3,584 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 11,700,352 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 11,700,736 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 11,698,176 bytes retained and 2,560 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 13,698,176 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 13,698,560 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 13,695,488 bytes retained and 3,072 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 15,695,488 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 15,695,872 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 15,692,800 bytes retained and 3,072 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 17,692,800 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 17,693,184 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 17,690,112 bytes retained and 3,072 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 19,690,112 bytes are in use.]
[GC threshold exceeded with 19,690,496 bytes in use.  Commencing GC.]
[GC completed with 19,686,912 bytes retained and 3,584 bytes freed.]
[GC will next occur when at least 21,686,912 bytes are in use.]

Evaluation took:
  86.39 seconds of real time
  29.462076 seconds of user run time
  10.088135 seconds of system run time
  [Run times include 36.97 seconds GC run time]
  133262 page faults and
  20787712 bytes consed.
        :FORCED #:G423
        :CLOSURE #<Closure Over Function "DEFUN COUNTER" {91452D9}>))

This is obviously bad behaviour when processing very long

Again, I don't see this behaviour at all with the
uncompiled version.  (I ran an = n 500000 on the .lisp
file and it behaved properly).

Is this expected behaviour with Python or is this a bug?


From: Raymond Toy
Subject: Re: CMUCL compiler bug?  (old lazy-list data not gc-ed)
Message-ID: <>
>>>>> "Sean" == Sean Doran <···> writes:

    Sean> I'm using the following CMUCL system:

    Sean> CMU Common Lisp 18a.97.08.24, running on Send
    Sean> bug reports and questions to your local CMU CL maintainer,
    Sean> or to ··········  Loaded subsystems:
    Sean>     Python 1.0, target Intel x86 CLOS based on PCL version:
    Sean>     September 16 92 PCL (f) CLX X Library MIT R5.02 Motif
    Sean>     toolkit and graphical debugger 1.0 Hemlock 3.5

    Sean> (and yes I did try ·········· :-) )

You may have better luck sending to ········· or

I've forwarded this message to ·········

[source code deleted]

    Sean> Again, I don't see this behaviour at all with the uncompiled
    Sean> version.  (I ran an = n 500000 on the .lisp file and it
    Sean> behaved properly).

    Sean> Is this expected behaviour with Python or is this a bug?

It appears to be a bug in the x86 version.  I don't see this on the
Sparc version. n = 500000 runs very quickly and the GC messages show
memory being reclaimed.

From: Sean Doran
Subject: Re: CMUCL compiler bug?  (old lazy-list data not gc-ed)
Message-ID: <>
Raymond Toy <···> writes:

> It appears to be a bug in the x86 version.  I don't see this on the
> Sparc version. n = 500000 runs very quickly and the GC messages show
> memory being reclaimed.

I have been able to test this out too.  I get proper
behaviour with 18a running on a SPARC running SunOS 4.1.4,
and I get bad behaviour with 17f running on IRIX 5.3.

I tried GCL on a lark, and GCL also keels over dead on the
x86 architechture.  I haven't checked other architechtures
yet.  With GCL unless you bump up the stacksize rlimit,
you get a core dump which shows endless calls to garbage
collection marking routines.   

The bright side is that with a sufficiently large stack
size, memory apparently isn't eaten as badly as quickly as
with CMUCL.

I'm trying to subscribe to the cmucl-imp list (no response
yet from ················· or from
··························, and when I do I
shall have some other questions about the .x86 port.

Finally, some people sent me some explanations for the
CMUCL behaviour which I will digest when I have a moment.
