Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
> Can one /conceive/ of failed search as an exception, justifying ML's
> approach? Sure. I once had to live with a library routine that treated
> /successful/ search as an exception! The programmer's reasoning: if you
> are adding something to a collection, and checking first to see if it
> already exists, then successful search is bad. <sigh>
You are certainly not constrained to do that! Indeed exceptions -should- be
used primarily for error reporting, where they provide flexibility (for
example in writing a package which uses a library of functions that create
exceptions that need to be explained to the package users, who may be
naive). If you want to return an answer or a failure, try something like:
datatype 'a Maybe = OK of 'a | NotSo;
Then the LISP assoc function is rendered:
fun assoc x [] = NotSo
| assoc x ((p as (x1,y1))::l) =
if x=x1 then OK p else assoc x l
val assoc = fn : ''a -> (''a * 'b) list -> (''a * 'b) Maybe
I think the LISP community has a BAD tendency to turn its back upon what
the LISP pioneers were trying to do, namely realise some excellent formal
ideas on small machines and with imperfect understanding. I have the same
tendency (of turning my back on progress) but try not to proclaim it as a
In particular, LISP pioneered the implementation of symbolic mathematical
reasoning - what better subject of such reasoning than computer programs
Now one could damn static typing as a weak logic, so argue for HOL etc..
(or Boyer-Moore). But this requires a certain discipline in writing one's
object code.
Robin Popplestone.