Hi, I would like to know how to write a semantic-network program which
will builds information for representing information about objects.
I have a data structure which I would like to use
(setf dlist
'((ako mustang car)
(has-part car tires)
(has-part car battery)
(has-part tires cap)
(ako car gas)
(has-part gas oil)
(ako mustang show)
(has-part show display)
(ako display Houston)))
this program, lets call it make-veh, should use list and assoc(not property
to store information
about an object. This program will consider each formula to be a fact about
first argument. Like (ako mustang car), car should be added to the list
of properties of mustang under the ako property. (ako is a member of)
We need to define a new function add-veh for adding the new properties for a
given symbol.
Can anyone out there determine how we can do it. I have difficulites and would
greatly very much want to learn... Any help is greatly appreciated.
Many thanks for anyone who helps out...
I would suggest looking at Peter Norvig's book Paradigms of AI
Programming, specifically Chapter 14 (and the earlier parts of the book
that Chapter 14 depends on.)
Thomas A. Russ, USC/Information Sciences Institute ยทยทยท@isi.edu