From: msb
Subject: COMMON LISP for Mac - where?
Message-ID: <>

I would like to get COMMON LISP on the Mac and don't know where I 
can obtain a copy of that package. Could anybody please tell me? 


From: Neil Cohen
Subject: Re: COMMON LISP for Mac - where?
Message-ID: <>
In article <···············>, msb
<···········@CompuServe.COM> wrote:

> Hi!
> I would like to get COMMON LISP on the Mac and don't know where I 
> can obtain a copy of that package. Could anybody please tell me? 
> Thanks

Contract Digitool:

Digitool, Inc.
P.O.Box 670 Cambridge, MA 02142 U.S.A.
World Wide Web:
Tel: 617 441-5000 Fax: 617 576-7680
Internet: ······

Spread the word! Free MCL version at:
Neil Cohen
Please remove the .spamkill before replying.
From: Bryant Brandon
Subject: Re: COMMON LISP for Mac - where?
Message-ID: <>
In article <···············>, msb
<···········@CompuServe.COM> wrote:

>I would like to get COMMON LISP on the Mac and don't know where I 
>can obtain a copy of that package. Could anybody please tell me? 

   Look on the web for Digitool and for Powerlisp.  Digitool is the
producer of Macintosh Common Lisp(a.k.a. MCL).  Powerlisp is a spiffy(and
pricey) shareware version.  When I call Powerlisp pricey, I mean compared
to other shareware.  It's pretty damn cheap at $60 when you think about
it.  In my not-so-humble oninion, MCL is a teensy bit over-priced.



B.B.       --I am not a goat!
From: Georg Bauer
Subject: Re: COMMON LISP for Mac - where?
Message-ID: <>
msb <···········@CompuServe.COM> wrote:

> I would like to get COMMON LISP on the Mac and don't know where I 
> can obtain a copy of that package.

Try Digitool. They have that much Common Lisp packages for the Mac, they
are forced to sell some ...