From: Bill Newman
Subject: ACL on Linux questions: 1. dynamic extent, 2. mem. profiling
Message-ID: <>
I've been experimenting a bit with ACL under Linux. I'm stuck 
on two questions:

1. ACL issues a warning for every closure which it can stack
allocate, even if I declare it to have DYNAMIC-EXTENT. 

As an example:
  (defun list-implies? (list x)
    (flet ((f (y) (atom-implies? y x)))
      (declare (dynamic-extent f))
      (member-if #'f list)))

It was my understanding that a DYNAMIC-EXTENT declaration could be
interpreted as telling the compiler that "It's safe to allocate this
on the stack." What do I have to do to convince ACL that this really
is OK, so that it wonn't return warnings? Or should I just give up
and make my build scripts ignore warnings when I'm running ACL? Or is
there some reason that I should take this warning more seriously than
I do? (I'm not planning to do any multiprocessing.)

I even tried declaring (SAFETY 0). No luck..

2. Does ACL memory profiling work under Linux? I tried following the
instructions in the user guide and got nothing useful. (Time profiling
worked fine.) If it is supposed to work, does anyone have any hints on
how to make it work?

  Bill Newman