From: Jon Mountjoy
Subject: ICFP'98 Preliminary C.F. Poster Participation
Message-ID: <649sih$5h1$>
         The 1998 International Conference on Functional Programming
                               Poster Session


                       Mt Washington Conference Center
                               Baltimore, MD,
                            27-29 September 1998

As part of the International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP) '98,
a Poster Session will be held on the evening of the first day of the
conference. The aim of the poster session is to give students and
professionals an opportunity to gain experience in presenting technical
material to the research community, and to get technical advice from leading
researchers in the field who will be attending the conference.


Each participant in the Poster Session must submit a one page abstract. The
abstract should be between 200-250 words in length and should give an
overview of the research being presented including citations to related
work. These abstracts will be published in a special section of the ICFP '98
Proceedings. Submitted abstracts (in letter or A4 postscript form) should be
emailed to ····

In addition to the abstract, each participant is also strongly encouraged to
submit a short article. Submitted articles will be posted to the
participants' page as they arrive and participants are encouraged to send
each other feedback as a means for preparing for the Poster Session. There
is also a group mailing list to which participants will be added upon
signing up.

Finally, participants should fill out and submit the sign-up sheet on the
ICFP '98 Poster Session homepage.  The act of signing up gives an indication 
of interest and helps in maintaining the list of participants.


In the Poster Session, each participant will be provided with a space
(approximately 3x6 feet or 1x2 meters) for posting diagrams and short
descriptions of the research. For those who have never participated in a
Poster Session before, contact with the "audience" happens through casual
conversation. Count on only a reasonable attention span when describing your
work. Over five minutes is usually overdoing it. Prepare a list of questions
that you would like help getting answered! Be sure to take a look at the
Poster Session homepage for a great paper on giving presentations.


The final deadline for submission is July 15th, 1998, but we will only hold
the poster session if there is sufficient interest. Specifically, we will
hold it if at least 10 people sign up by July 1st, 1998. The camera-ready
copy of the one page abstracts must be available before August 15, 1998.

Please feel free to direct any questions to me at ····

Alex Garthwaite,

ICFP '98 Poster Session Coordinator
ICFP Publicity - ···