I'm looking for a documentation on Common Lisp.
Is there someone who could give me an adress on the Web for such
documentation ? (I prefer a ps file).
Thank you
|Christophe LUC------------ e-mail : ···@irit.fr
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In article <·················@irit.fr>, Christophe LUC <···@irit.fr> wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm looking for a documentation on Common Lisp.
> Is there someone who could give me an adress on the Web for such
> documentation ? (I prefer a ps file).
The standard book on Common Lisp seems to be Steele's book: "Common Lisp,
the language". The second edition is available on the web at the following
Among other formats, there's a postscript version there.
Hank Heijink