I need to figure out a way to return more than one value ..
I admit: it is for my hwk assignment, and I missed class one too many
times, and now I need to know how the functions (value) and
(multiple-value-bind) (i'm not too sure about the args) work.
If anyone has a decent book and wouldnt mind helping me out, I would
be most grateful.
····@columbia.edu <- Hint Hint!
From: Christopher N. Vogt
Subject: Re: returning multiple values?
Message-ID: <345FCC24.E602502A@home.com>
Ozgur Can Leonard wrote:
> I need to figure out a way to return more than one value ..
> I admit: it is for my hwk assignment, and I missed class one too many
> times, and now I need to know how the functions (value) and
I assume you really mean (values) and not (value)
> (multiple-value-bind) (i'm not too sure about the args) work.
> If anyone has a decent book and wouldnt mind helping me out, I would
> be most grateful.
I won't recommend a book, but you can find the definitions of these on-line
at http://www.harlequin.com/education/books/HyperSpec/FrontMatter/index.html
····@ahnnyong.cc.columbia.edu (Ozgur Can Leonard) writes:
> I need to figure out a way to return more than one value ..
> I admit: it is for my hwk assignment, and I missed class one too many
> times, and now I need to know how the functions (value) and
> (multiple-value-bind) (i'm not too sure about the args) work.
OK, here are a couple examples to help you out. You can try running
them in your environment and experiment based on them:
(defun gimme (n)
(case n
(0 (values))
(1 (values 'first)) ;; This could also just be 'first
(2 (values 'first 'second))
(3 (values 'first 'second (+ 1 2)))))
(multiple-value-bind (a b c) (gimme 0)
(format t "A = ~S B = ~S A = ~S" a b c)
(list a b c))
(multiple-value-bind (a b c) (gimme 1)
(format t "A = ~S B = ~S A = ~S" a b c)
(list a b c))
(multiple-value-bind (a b c) (gimme 2)
(format t "A = ~S B = ~S A = ~S" a b c)
(list a b c))
(multiple-value-bind (a b c) (gimme 3)
(format t "A = ~S B = ~S A = ~S" a b c)
(list a b c))
You can also try them just at top level:
(gimme 0)
(gimme 1)
(gimme 2)
(gimme 3)
to see what happens.
Thomas A. Russ, USC/Information Sciences Institute ···@isi.edu