Is there any LISP Interpreter for the Macintosh?
I got CW Pro - a PlugIn would be great.
Thanks for any (mailed) reply.
name: Jens Tinz
email: ······@rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de
home: http://www.student.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/~aragon/
In article <············@sun27.hrz.tu-darmstadt.de>,
Jens Tinz <······@sun11.rbg.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de> wrote:
>Is there any LISP Interpreter for the Macintosh?
There are a few lisp systems for the Mac. From cheap to expensive:
XLisp is a pre-Common Lisp system. It is freely available, along with
source code.
Power Lisp is a $50 shareware Lisp system. Last I looked at it, the
debugging facilities were extremely primitive.
Either of these should be available by tracking links from the
Association of Lisp Users
or the big AI archive at CMU
as well as your usual sources for Mac shareware and freeware.
The best system for the Mac (and one of the best anywhere) is Macintosh
Common Lisp, which is relatively pricey unless you're a student.
It is made by Digitool.
>I got CW Pro - a PlugIn would be great.
AFAIK, there are no Lisp systems available as CW plugins. If somebody
were to get ambitious and try to make one, I'd suggest looking at
Gnu Common Lisp (track down as above or through the Gnu project)
as GCL compiles to C. I doubt Digitool is interested in making a CW
plugin (at least until they're convinced there's real money in it),
Power Lisp source code is not freely available, and XLisp probably isn't
the way to go, being not Common Lisp.
David H. Thornley | These opinions are mine. I
·····@thornley.net | do give them freely to those
http://www.thornley.net/~thornley/david/ | who run too slowly.
David Thornley <········@visi.com> wrote:
> AFAIK, there are no Lisp systems available as CW plugins.
Hmm. Last time I visited the Gambit-C homepage, they had a CW version of
Gambit-C available. Don't know if it really was a plug-in or just a
standalone application, but at least it will cowork with CW and it
doesn't cost you anything. And Scheme _is_ of the Lisp-family.
Of course it's not only an interpreter but includes a very good
compiler, too.
bye, Georg