From: Matthieu Quignard
Subject: CLISP-CLX and open-display on Solaris 2.5 OpenWindows
Message-ID: <>

I read on dejanews on a problem related to display opening.
I met the same problem, maybe some of you could help me how to
solve it :

I'm on "levant" (Sparc 5, with Solaris 2.5, OpenWindows).
My DISPLAY has been set to levant:0 as well.
I do have rights on the X server : it works fine when I
launch xclock, for example...

levant% setenv DISPLAY "levant:0.0"
levant% echo $DISPLAY
levant% clx
> (sys::getenv "DISPLAY")

> (xlib::open-display "levant" :display 0)

*** - Connection failure to X11.0 server levant display 0: Client is not
authorized to connect to Server
1. Break> 
Obviously, it works fine when "levant" has been
added to the hosts list by :
xhost +levant

The latter solution is not very secure. Is there a nicer
way to use open-display on my machine ?

Thank you.


Please reply by mail, since I haven't subscribed this newsgroup.
Matthieu QUIGNARD - Th�sard Sc. Cognitives - PhD Student Cognitive Sc.
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