From: ········
Subject: Re: C++ briar patch (Was: Object IDs are bad)
Message-ID: <5lasae$h7k$2@Masala.CC.UH.EDU>
Chris Bitmead uid(x22068) (············· wrote:


: Actually, there is something fundamentally broken about C++ strings
: (amoungst other things :-).

: You can't put an arbitrary set of characters in between " and " and
: expect it to work.

: e.g.

: String foo("abc\0def");

: will produce a string of 3 characters instead of the correct 7
: characters. It doesn't matter which "String" class you use. This is an
: example of the core language being broken.

That's what you get for playing with an object oriented virus :).  It all
comes from the fact that our beloved designers of C, in their infinite
wisdumb, decided that strings were for wimps and that real programmers
re-invented the wheel everytime they sat down to code.  So what did
these brilliant innovators, these veritable rocket scientists do?  They
gave us an array of characters, a few poorly written functions, and
told us to go to hell.

That is the story of C's "strings".  An array of characters and we're
supposed to be grateful.

They can bite me.
