From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: An Industry Experience (was Avoiding the second historic mistake)
Message-ID: <>
In article <············>, ······ (Lars
Marius Garshol) wrote:

> ········ wrote:
> >
> >Assertions allow the programmer to test for the correctness of the
> >software, as well as provide an actual *specification* or documentation of
> >what the software does through the use of such assertions.  I am not aware
> >of any other language which provides a similar facility.
> Euclid does. 

Common Lisp combines ASSERT with exception handling.
So your program can actually handle assertion failures.

Description Logics like Classic from AT&T makes it possible to detect
inconsistencies using a purely declarative approach.



; relation has-child
(classic:cl-define-primitive-role 'has-child :attribute t)

; a person class
  'person 'classic:classic-thing 'stuff-type)

; a person can either be a woman or...
  'woman 'person 'person-type)

; ... a man
  'man 'person 'person-type)

; a mother has atleast one child. all children are persons.
  'mother '(and woman
            (at-least 1 has-child)
            (all has-child person)))

; try to define a new subclass inheriting from mother and man
 '(and man mother))

This generates following error:

*WARNING*: Disjoint primitives: @tc{MAN}, @tc{WOMAN}.
*CLASSIC ERROR* while processing 
    occurred on object @c{DOES-NOT-WORK-*INCOHERENT*}:
  Trying to combine disjoint primitives: @tc{MAN} and @tc{WOMAN}.

; try to define a class of mother with no children
 '(and mother
   (at-most 0 has-child)))

This generates following error:

*WARNING*: Inconsistent number restriction for role @r{HAS-CHILD} - at-least:
  1; at-most: 0. Found along role-path (@r{HAS-CHILD}), while processing object
*CLASSIC ERROR* while processing 
    occurred on object @c{DOES-NOT-WORK2-*INCOHERENT*}
    along role-path (@r{HAS-CHILD}):
  Inconsistent number restriction for role @r{HAS-CHILD} - at-least: 1;
    at-most: 0.

Systems like Classic can find errors in inconsistent
concept (-> class) descriptions at compile time.
They also can check similar things about assertions
objects at runtime.

; define a class ship, which is disjoint with the above defined
; class person

; an object of type ship
(classic:cl-create-ind 'titanic 'ship)

; an object of type mother which has titanic as a child
(classic:cl-create-ind 'kathy
                       '(and mother
                         (fills has-child titanic)))

This naturally generates an error:

*WARNING*: Disjoint primitives: @tc{SHIP}, @tc{PERSON}.
*WARNING*: Creation of individual KATHY failed.
*CLASSIC ERROR* while processing 
    occurred on object @i{TITANIC-*INCOHERENT*}:
  Trying to combine disjoint primitives: @tc{SHIP} and @tc{PERSON}.

And some guys keep telling us Lisp is not capable enough for large
systems design due to lack of strong typing. Sigh.
