From: John Somerville
Subject: Graham's "Ansi Common Lisp" code
Message-ID: <5fdrh6$>
Where can I find the code, or errata, for Paul Graham's book 
"Ansi Common Lisp"?

From: Francis Leboutte
Subject: Re: Graham's "Ansi Common Lisp" code
Message-ID: <>
John Somerville <···············> wrote:

>Where can I find the code, or errata, for Paul Graham's book 
>"Ansi Common Lisp"?

It should be easy to find that from the ALU (Association of Lisp Users)

Francis Leboutte, Algorithme, Rue de la Charrette 141, 4130 Tilff, Belgium
····     t&fax: +32-(0)4-3883528
From: Paul Schaaf
Subject: Re: Graham's "Ansi Common Lisp" code
Message-ID: <>
John Somerville wrote:
> Where can I find the code, or errata, for Paul Graham's book
> "Ansi Common Lisp"?

On page viii he gives two pointers:

Paul G. Schaaf, Jr.
Smalltalk Consultant
Versant Object Technology
From: Joe Oswald
Subject: Re: Graham's "Ansi Common Lisp" errata
Message-ID: <AF40E08B-ACEEF0@>
For code listings, Paul Schaaf gave the two pointers from page viii of
Graham's Text.

For errata, I don't know of any list of corrections, but I should probably
mention that the
example given in Figure 4.6 is an incorrect implementation of bst-remove. I
have confirmed
this by e-mail with Dr. Graham.

I have what  I think is a correctly working version of bst-remove, if
anyone wants it. I think
writing a correct version is an excellent exercise for someone reading the
text themselves. 
(It was for me! :-)

Other than that, I have found no further errors (up through chapter 6 or
so, which is all that
I have read carefully.)

Good luck.

--Joe Oswald