From: ········
Subject: awk written on lisp
Message-ID: <>
HELP ME PLEASE!!! Does anybody know awk implementation on lisp ?

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From: Steven M. Haflich
Subject: Re: awk written on lisp
Message-ID: <>
········ wrote:

> HELP ME PLEASE!!! Does anybody know awk implementation on lisp ?

Back in 1990 Roger Rohrbach posted to this newsgroup an implementation of a
Lisp evaluator in awk.  This is exactly the inverse of what you asked for.

I tried the thing back then and it seemed to work.  I still have a copy and
could repost it if anyone were interested, or make it available by ftp.

It was intended as a serious implementation, but is undoubtedly a clever
hack.  It is rather like a dog singing an aria from Pagliacci in the
neighborhood bar; the amazement is that the act is performed at all, and
not  the quality of the performance.

The brief doc file follows:

Package:      lang/lisp/impl/awk/

Name:         AWK Lisp

Purpose:      Lisp implemented in AWK

Version:      23-JUL-90


   A Lisp interpreter implemented in Awk.

   It provides intrinsic versions of the basic functions on
   s-expressions, and many others written in LISP.

   The interpreter has thirteen built-in functions: car, cdr, cons, eq,
   atom, set, eval, error, quote, cond, and, or, list.  These include the
   five elementary functions on s-expressions defined by McCarthy; some
   conditional expression operators; an assignment operator, and some
   functions to control the evaluation process.




Copying:      Copyright (c) 1988, 1990 Roger Rohrbach
              Use, copying, modification, and distribution permitted.


CD-ROM:       Prime Time Freeware for AI, Issue 1-1

Bug Reports:

Mailing List:

Author(s):    Roger Rohrbach <·····>
       1592 Union St.,  #94
       San Francisco,  CA 94123



   Lisp, Language, Implementations, AWK

Contains:    ???

See Also:


    McCarthy, J., "Recursive Functions of Symbolic Expressions and
    their Computation by Machine, Part I", CACM 3(4):185-195, April 1960.

==================== END
From: Dr. Wolfgang Otrebski
Subject: Re: awk written on lisp
Message-ID: <>
Please post the thing. I am _really curious_

rgds, wolfgang