From: Ivan A. Klabukov
Subject: Help - Binary file in lisp?
Message-ID: <67athv$>
HI LISP-people!
Can anyone tell me how i can create the binaries files in CLisp?
or what lisp translator/compiler it can do?
If it's possible - where i can download this Lisp?

P.S. Sorry for my English.
From: Valentino Kyriakides
Subject: Re: Help - Binary file in lisp?
Message-ID: <>
Ivan A. Klabukov wrote:
> HI LISP-people!
> Can anyone tell me how i can create the binaries files in CLisp?
> or what lisp translator/compiler it can do?
> If it's possible - where i can download this Lisp?
> P.S. Sorry for my English.

Take a look at:

there you will find a lot of prebuild binaries for different
plattforms and actually the newest sources available etc.

Hope this helps?

Valentino Kyriakides

Lavielle EDV Systemberatung GmbH & Co.  Tel.: +49(0)40 / 65 80 8 - 997
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