From: George D. Lee
Subject: cref and cset ·@··@#
Message-ID: <66tb0j$>
	Can anyone help me with the foreign function interface for Franz 
Allegro 3.0.2.... I seem to be having a problem using the cset and cref 
anc callocate macros.  I have looked in the documentation, faq's and in 
through large amounts of source... can't find good example calls.  The only 
example they give is for (char *) and passing stuff by value... I can't get 
cref and cset to work correctly.  I have the ffi reference but that doesn't 
give me example calls to follow.

	Basically if anyone can show me how to correctly call
----RegEnumKeyEx (window, dll call, advapi32.dll???)----
than I will be very grateful.  If you don't know about calling RegEnumKeyEx 
don't worry, any code which shows how to pass the following would be very 
helpful to be...

send and recieve following c-type structures  (pass by reference and by value)
(:unsigned-long *)

(:char 256)
(:char *)

(:random-defctype-structure *)

thanks a lot....
george lee