From: Shiber
Subject: Help : Need lisp for win95
Message-ID: <>

I've searched an surfed, but couldn't find a common-lisp development
environment (or even an interpreter) for windows 95.

Does a shareware like this exists ?

If it does, where can I find it ?

From: Martti Halminen
Subject: Re: Help : Need lisp for win95
Message-ID: <>
Shiber wrote:
> Hi,
> I've searched an surfed, but couldn't find a common-lisp development
> environment (or even an interpreter) for windows 95.
> Does a shareware like this exists ?
> If it does, where can I find it ?

This would be in the FAQ, seems to get asked almost every week...
answer depends on your definition of shareware: most implementations I
know of would be better classified as freeware.

Try and for somewhat crippled (still
sufficient for quite a lot) free versions of their commercial products.

Another possibility would be Bruno Haible's CLISP.

If none of these fit you, you could install Linux or some BSD- based
free Unix and have a choice of GCL, CMU-CL, CLISP, another Franz product
etc. (Franz ACL 4.3 only on Linux, AFAIK).
    ^.          Martti Halminen
   / \`.        Design Power Europe Oy
  /   \ `.      Tekniikantie 12, FIN-02150 Espoo, Finland
 /\`.  \ |      Tel:+358 9 4354 2306, Fax:+358 9 455 8575
/__\|___\|      ······················