From: Sam Griffith Jr.
Subject: Operator overloading in CL
Message-ID: <66o1tk$c63$>
Hello anyone,

Is there any way to overload operators in CL?  I want to create a '+'
msg. and a few others for some of the objects I have.  Please reply to
email as well if you can.

Thanks ahead of time,

Sam Griffith Jr.

From: Kent M Pitman
Subject: Re: Operator overloading in CL
Message-ID: <>
"Sam Griffith Jr." <········> writes:

> Hello anyone,
> Is there any way to overload operators in CL?  I want to create a '+'
> msg. and a few others for some of the objects I have.  Please reply to
> email as well if you can.
> Thanks ahead of time,
> Sam Griffith Jr.
> ·········
> ········

There is a distinction between making '+' generic and overloading.

In overloading, there is no requirement of using the same protocol.
For example, the arguments for the "open" that opens a window might
not be those for the "open" that opens a file, but one might want to
use the word "open" in both cases.  That's overloading.  In making
something generic, you describe a single abstract operation and the
data it requires, and then various objects implement that control/data
request by methods.

Lisp implements generic functions but not overloading per se.
See DEFGENERIC and DEFMETHOD in the Common Lisp HyperSpec(TM)

However, the spec says you can't redefine system functions like '+'.
To get around this, of course, you can make a new package (see
DEFPACKAGE in CLHS) in which the symbol named "+" is shadowed and
then you can use "+" the new package.

Probably you'd do something like:

   (:EXPORT "+" "-" "/" "*"))

   (IF Y (- X Y) (- X)))

   (:SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM "MATH-STUFF" "+" "-" "/" "*"))

Hmmm. This may be a little more vague than you need, but maybe someone
else can help with more ideas...
From: Peter Schotman
Subject: Re: Operator overloading in CL
Message-ID: <>
Kent M Pitman wrote:

> "Sam Griffith Jr." <········> writes:
> > Hello anyone,
> >
> > Is there any way to overload operators in CL?  I want to create a
> '+'
> > msg. and a few others for some of the objects I have.  Please reply
> to
> > email as well if you can.
> >Probably you'd do something like:
>    (:USE)
>    (:EXPORT "+" "-" "/" "*"))
> snip...
>    (:SHADOWING-IMPORT-FROM "MATH-STUFF" "+" "-" "/" "*"))
> Hmmm. This may be a little more vague than you need, but maybe someone
> else can help with more ideas...

Below an example of what you might want (combine with the package
instructions of above).Mind you, the following can be quite inefficient!
I wouldn't mind having someone suggest
how to improve its efficiency though :-)

(in-package :math-stuff)

;;; standard function
(defun + (arg1 arg2 &rest arg3)
   (adding arg1 arg2 arg3))

(defgeneric adding (arg1 arg2 other-numbers)
  (:documentation "Adding different types of arguments."))
(defmethod adding (arg1 arg2  other-numbers)
  (declare (ignore arg1 arg2 other-numbers))
  (error "Arguments given to ADD are not applicable."))

(defmethod adding ((arg1 number) (arg2 number) other-numbers)
   (if (null other-numbers)
      (cl:+ arg1 arg2)
      (adding (cl:+ arg1 arg2) (pop other-numbers) other-numbers)))

;;; here I use a list to perform interval computation in my case a list
always looks like '(a b) where a and b are numbers
(defmethod adding ((arg1 list) (arg2 number) other-numbers)
   (if (not (= (length arg1) 2))
      (error "lijst argument 1 aan add heeft geen lengte 2.")
      (if (null other-numbers)
         (list (cl:+ (first arg1) arg2)(cl:+ (second arg1) arg2))
         (adding (list (cl:+ (first arg1) arg2) (cl:+ (second arg1)
arg2)) (pop other-numbers) other-numbers))))

(defmethod adding ((arg1 number) (arg2 list) other-numbers)
   (if (not (= (length arg2) 2))
      (error "lijst argument 2 aan add heeft geen lengte 2.")
      (if (null other-numbers)
         (list (cl:+ (first arg2) arg1)(cl:+ (second arg2) arg1))
         (adding (list (cl:+ (first arg2) arg1) (cl:+ (second arg2)
arg1)) (pop other-numbers) other-numbers))))

(defmethod adding ((arg1 list) (arg2 list) other-numbers)
   (if (and (not (= (length arg1) 2)) (not (= (length arg2) 2)))
      (error "lijst argumenten aan (add <list> <list>) hebben geen
lengte 2.")
      (if (null other-numbers)
         (list (cl:+ (first arg1) (first arg2)) (cl:+ (second arg1)
(second arg2)))
         (adding (list (cl:+ (first arg1) (first arg2)) (cl:+ (second
arg1) (second arg2)))
            (pop other-numbers) other-numbers))))

;;; continue for other math operations (devision is more complicated see
for instance: "Global optimization
;;; using interval analysis", Hansen, 1992)