From: Christopher William Bowron
Subject: Question...
Message-ID: <66f7rt$feh$>
I'm writing a bit of database program, and i would like to use an
assocation list of prompt for the user and the function to call and i
cannot figure out how to get the code to access the particular
elements of the structure.. here is a bit of code...

;| pilot database look up
;| christopher bowron - ········
;| digital dreamland 1997

(defstruct person name major phone address email webpage)

(defvar *personinfo*)
(setq *personinfo*
     '(("name  : " . #'person-name)
       ("major : " . #'person-major)
       ("phone : " . #'person-phone)
       ("addrs : " . #'person-address)
       ("email : " . #'person-email)
       ("http  : " . #'person-webpage)))

(defvar *input*)
(defun get-search-criteria()
  (let ((p (make-person)) item code)
    (dolist (item *personinfo*)
	    (setq code `(setf (,(cdr item) p) (read-line)))
	    (setq code `(,(cdr item) p))
	    (format t "~a~%~a~%" code p)
	    (format t "~a" (car item))
	    ;(funcall #'(lambda(x y) (setf x y)) code (read-line)))

            (setf (apply (cdr item) p) (read-line))
	    ;;;; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^????

if anyone can help me access this particular element of the structure
like this thank you.. or if you have a suggestion on a better
way... thanks in advance

-+-  Christopher W. Bowron
  -+-  ········

From: Rainer Joswig
Subject: Re: Question...
Message-ID: <>
In article <············>, ········
(Christopher William Bowron) wrote:

> I'm writing a bit of database program, and i would like to use an
> assocation list of prompt for the user and the function to call and i
> cannot figure out how to get the code to access the particular
> elements of the structure.. here is a bit of code...
> ;+----
> ;| pilot database look up
> ;| christopher bowron - ········
> ;| digital dreamland 1997
> ;+----
> (defstruct person name major phone address email webpage)
> (defvar *personinfo*)
> (setq *personinfo*
>      '(("name  : " . #'person-name)
>        ("major : " . #'person-major)
>        ("phone : " . #'person-phone)
>        ("addrs : " . #'person-address)
>        ("email : " . #'person-email)
>        ("http  : " . #'person-webpage)))
> (defvar *input*)
> (defun get-search-criteria()
>   (let ((p (make-person)) item code)
>     (dolist (item *personinfo*)
>             (setq code `(setf (,(cdr item) p) (read-line)))
>             (setq code `(,(cdr item) p))
>             (format t "~a~%~a~%" code p)
>             (format t "~a" (car item))
>             ;(funcall #'(lambda(x y) (setf x y)) code (read-line)))
>             ;;; THIS LINE I DONT KNOW WHAT TO DO!!!
>             (setf (apply (cdr item) p) (read-line))
>             ;;;; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^????
>              )
>     p))
> if anyone can help me access this particular element of the structure
> like this thank you.. or if you have a suggestion on a better
> way... thanks in advance

Assuming that you are using Common Lisp, the following would work.
Are there simpler methods? One could use GET-SETF-METHOD.
In some implementations SETF with SLOT-VALUE on structures

The best way (until you don't have some special performance needs)
would be to use DEFCLASS instead of DEFSTRUCT. As
a general rule, *I* would prefer DEFCLASS almost all the time.
Exceptions are simple objects where the speed of slot
access might be important.

(defstruct person name major phone address email webpage)

; We need the setter functions to be generated at compile time:

(defmacro define-accessors (name description)
  `(defparameter ,name
     (list ,@(loop for (name . accessor) in description
                   collect `(cons ,name (function
                                         (lambda (object new-value)
                                           (setf (,accessor object)

(define-accessors *personinfo*
  (("name" . person-name)
   ("major" . person-major)
   ("phone" . person-phone)
   ("addrs" . person-address)
   ("email" . person-email)
   ("http" . person-webpage)))

(defun get-search-criteria (&optional (stream t))
  (let ((p (make-person)))
    (loop for (prompt . setter) in *personinfo*
          do (format stream "~%~a : " prompt)
          do (funcall setter p (read-line stream)))

Not elegant, but works.

From: Barry Margolin
Subject: Re: Question...
Message-ID: <66fhfi$>
In article <············>,
Christopher William Bowron <········> wrote:
>(setq *personinfo*
>     '(("name  : " . #'person-name)
>       ("major : " . #'person-major)
>       ("phone : " . #'person-phone)
>       ("addrs : " . #'person-address)
>       ("email : " . #'person-email)
>       ("http  : " . #'person-webpage)))

#'xxx is a reader macro that expands into (function xxx), which *evaluates*
to the function binding of XXX.  But since you're quoting the alist, that
evaluation never happens.  So later on you're trying to funcall a list that
begins with FUNCTION, which isn't a valid function.  You need to evaluate
these expressions when constructing the alist:

(setq *personinfo*
	(cons "name  : " #'person-name)
	(cons "major : " #'person-major)
	(cons "phone : " #'person-phone)
	(cons "addrs : " #'person-address)
	(cons "email : " #'person-email)
	(cons "http  : " #'person-webpage)))

Backquote can also be used to simplify it:

(setq *personinfo*
     `(("name  : " . ,#'person-name)
       ("major : " . ,#'person-major)
       ("phone : " . ,#'person-phone)
       ("addrs : " . ,#'person-address)
       ("email : " . ,#'person-email)
       ("http  : " . ,#'person-webpage)))

Barry Margolin, ······
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