From: Bryant Brandon
Subject: Re: Q: text manipulation languages?
Message-ID: <>
Martin Rodgers wheeded these wise words:


>See the Dragon book for an 
>introduction to the string matching techniques common to them all.

   You mean _Principles of Compiler Design_ by Aho Ullman?  ISBN 0-201-00022-9?

B.B.       --I am not a goat!
From: Martin Rodgers
Subject: Re: Q: text manipulation languages?
Message-ID: <>
Bryant Brandon wheezed these wise words:

>   You mean _Principles of Compiler Design_ by Aho Ullman?  ISBN 0-201-00022-9?

That's the one! There's a later book, "Compilers, Principles, 
Techniques and Tools", but most of the material is in "Principles of 
Compiler Design". See the comp.compilers FAQ for more details.
Please note: my email address is munged; You can never browse enough
                  "Oh knackers!" - Mark Radcliffe