From: Vassili Bykov
Subject: Re: (print looooooong-list)
Message-ID: <>
SDS <···········> writes:

> I have list of length >2000, and when I (step), they whole thing is
> dumped on my screen whenever it is an argument to anything. This is
> awfully annoying. Is there a way to tell lisp to print lists longer than
> a given const in a smart way - like the first 10 elements, the last 10
> and the length of the list? 

Set *print-length* to the number of elements you want to print.  This
will do the trick in CLISP but keep in mind that in Allegro, for
example, this will not work because REPL has its own bindings for
these (to not be affected by parallel processes binding them for their
needs).  In this case whatever you do with *print-<whatever>* won't
have any effect on the printer, you have to use tpl:setq-default to
set them.
