From: William Paul Vrotney
Subject: Re: Lisp is *SLOW*
Message-ID: <>
In article <··············> Espen Vestre <··>
> I think this should be enough evidence that there is no point
> in carrying on this discussion before mr. Peaceman has taken
> an elementary Lisp course, could we all agree to close it and
> get back to discussing _interesting_ things?
> Sigh.
> --
>   Espen Vestre


Many people have tried to help him.  It is obvious that he has a vendetta
with Lisp.  If he had a point or even knew what he was talking about it
might be worth some discussion.  He seems to be merely aping other Lisp
haters that he has come in contact with.

Lisp advocates in general are pretty open minded and are willing to listen
and have open discussions about how Lisp can be improved.  But someone like
him who just wants to tear down for no good reason can expect this kind of


William P. Vrotney - ·······