From: Mitch
Subject: converting lisp code to scheme...
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I've got a program (attached) in lisp that I would like to run in
scheme.  Since I'm further from a lisp programmer than a scheme
programmer I was hoping that someone on this list might be able to
help.  The program takes an expression and returns its normal form.  If
you can't help translate it then maybe you know of a pointer to some
code in scheme that implements the same thing.



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;;; -*- Mode: Lisp; Syntax: Common-Lisp; -*- File: logic/normal.lisp

;;;; Convert Expressions to Normal Form (Conjunctive, Implicative or Horn)

;;; This could be done much more efficiently by using a special
;;; representation for CNF, which eliminates the explicit ANDs
;;; and ORs.  This code is meant to be informative, not efficient.

;;;; Top-Level Functions

(defun ->cnf (p &optional vars)
  "Convert a sentence p to conjunctive normal form [p 279-280]."
  ;; That is, return (and (or ...) ...) where 
  ;; each of the conjuncts has all literal disjuncts.
  ;; VARS is a list of universally quantified variables that P is in scope of.
  (setf p (eliminate-implications (logic p)))
  (case (op p)
    (NOT (let ((p2 (move-not-inwards (arg1 p))))
	   (if (literal-clause? p2) p2 (->cnf p2 vars))))
    (AND (conjunction (mappend #'(lambda (q) (conjuncts (->cnf q vars)))
				(args p))))
    (OR  (merge-disjuncts (mapcar #'(lambda (q) (->cnf q vars))
				  (args p))))
    (FORALL (let ((new-vars (mapcar #'new-variable  (mklist (arg1 p)))))
	   (->cnf (sublis (mapcar #'cons  (mklist (arg1 p)) new-vars)
			  (arg2 p))
		  (append new-vars vars))))
    (EXISTS (->cnf (skolemize (arg2 p) (arg1 p) vars) vars))
    (t   p) ; p is atomic

(defun ->inf (p)
  "Convert a sentence p to implicative normal form [p 282]."
  (conjunction (mapcar #'cnf1->inf1 (conjuncts (->cnf p)))))

(defun ->horn (p)
  "Try to convert sentence to a Horn clause, or a conjunction of Horn clauses.
  Signal an error if this cannot be done."
  (let ((q (->inf p)))
    (when (not (every #'horn-clause? (conjuncts q)))
      (warn "~A, converted to ~A, is not a Horn clause." p q))

(defun logic (sentence)
  "Canonicalize a sentence into proper logical form."
  (cond ((stringp sentence) (->prefix sentence))
	(t sentence)))

;;;; Auxiliary Functions

(defun cnf1->inf1 (p)
  ;; P is of the form (or (not a) (not b) ... c d ...)
  ;; Convert to: (=> (and a b ...) (or c d ...))
  ;; where a,b,c,d ... are positive atomic clauses
  (let ((lhs (mapcar #'arg1 (remove-if-not #'negative-clause? (disjuncts p))))
	(rhs (remove-if #'negative-clause? (disjuncts p))))
    `(=> ,(conjunction lhs) ,(disjunction rhs))))

(defun eliminate-implications (p)
  (if (literal-clause? p)
    (case (op p)
      (=>  `(or ,(arg2 p) (not ,(arg1 p))))
      (<=> `(and (or ,(arg1 p) (not ,(arg2 p)))
		 (or (not ,(arg1 p)) ,(arg2 p))))
      (t   (cons (op p) (mapcar #'eliminate-implications (args p)))))))

(defun move-not-inwards (p)
  "Given P, return ~P, but with the negation moved as far in as possible."
  (case (op p)
    (TRUE 'false)
    (FALSE 'true)
    (NOT (arg1 p))
    (AND (disjunction (mapcar #'move-not-inwards (args p))))
    (OR  (conjunction (mapcar #'move-not-inwards (args p))))
    (FORALL (make-exp 'EXISTS (arg1 p) (move-not-inwards (arg2 p))))
    (EXISTS (make-exp 'FORALL (arg1 p) (move-not-inwards (arg2 p))))
    (t (make-exp 'not p))))

(defun merge-disjuncts (disjuncts)
  "Return a CNF expression for the disjunction."
  ;; The argument is a list of disjuncts, each in CNF.
  ;; The second argument is a list of conjuncts built so far.
  (case (length disjuncts)
    (0 'false)
    (1 (first disjuncts))
    (t (conjunction
	(let ((result nil))
	  (for each y in (conjuncts (merge-disjuncts (rest disjuncts))) do
	       (for each x in (conjuncts (first disjuncts)) do
		    (push (disjunction (append (disjuncts x) (disjuncts y)))
	  (nreverse result))))))

(defun skolemize (p vars outside-vars)
  "Within the proposition P, replace each of VARS with a skolem constant,
  or if OUTSIDE-VARS is non-null, a skolem function of them."
  (sublis (mapcar #'(lambda (var)
		      (cons var (if (null outside-vars)
				    (skolem-constant var)
				  (cons (skolem-constant var) outside-vars))))
		  (mklist vars))

(defun skolem-constant (name)
  "Return a unique skolem constant, a symbol starting with '$'."
  (intern (format nil "$~A_~D" name (incf *new-variable-counter*))))

(defun renaming? (p q &optional (bindings +no-bindings+))
  "Are p and q renamings of each other? (That is, expressions that differ
  only in variable names?)"
  (cond ((eq bindings +fail+) +fail+)
	((equal p q) bindings)
	((and (consp p) (consp q))
	 (renaming? (rest p) (rest q)
		    (renaming? (first p) (first q) bindings)))
	((not (and (variable? p) (variable? q)))
	;; P and Q are both variables from here on
	((and (not (get-binding p bindings)) (not (get-binding q bindings)))
	 (extend-bindings p q bindings))
	((or (eq (lookup p bindings) q) (eq p (lookup q bindings)))
	(t +fail+)))

;;;; Utility Predicates and Accessors

(defconstant +logical-connectives+ '(and or not => <=>))
(defconstant +logical-quantifiers+ '(forall exists))

(defun atomic-clause? (sentence)
  "An atomic clause has no connectives or quantifiers."
  (not (or (member (op sentence) +logical-connectives+)
	   (member (op sentence) +logical-quantifiers+))))

(defun literal-clause? (sentence)
  "A literal is an atomic clause or a negated atomic clause."
  (or (atomic-clause? sentence)
      (and (negative-clause? sentence) (atomic-clause? (arg1 sentence)))))

(defun negative-clause? (sentence)
  "A negative clause has NOT as the operator."
  (eq (op sentence) 'not))

(defun horn-clause? (sentence)
  "A Horn clause (in INF) is an implication with atoms on the left and one
  atom on the right."
  (and (eq (op sentence) '=>)
       (every #'atomic-clause? (conjuncts (arg1 sentence)))
       (atomic-clause? (arg2 sentence))))

(defun conjuncts (sentence)
  "Return a list of the conjuncts in this sentence."
  (cond ((eq (op sentence) 'and) (args sentence))
	((eq sentence 'true) nil)
	(t (list sentence))))

(defun disjuncts (sentence)
  "Return a list of the disjuncts in this sentence."
  (cond ((eq (op sentence) 'or) (args sentence))
	((eq sentence 'false) nil)
	(t (list sentence))))

(defun conjunction (args)
  "Form a conjunction with these args."
  (case (length args)
    (0 'true)
    (1 (first args))
    (t (cons 'and args))))

(defun disjunction (args)
  "Form a disjunction with these args."
  (case (length args)
    (0 'false)
    (1 (first args))
    (t (cons 'or args))))

From: Will Hartung
Subject: Re: converting lisp code to scheme...
Message-ID: <>
Mitch <·······> writes:

>I've got a program (attached) in lisp that I would like to run in
>scheme.  Since I'm further from a lisp programmer than a scheme
>programmer I was hoping that someone on this list might be able to
>help.  The program takes an expression and returns its normal form.  If
>you can't help translate it then maybe you know of a pointer to some
>code in scheme that implements the same thing.

You're closer to Lisp than you think.

A quick glance at it shows very little that's particularly
specific to Lisp. 95% of the stuff in this code should map pretty
directly to Scheme.

A better question for you to ask is about the specific items that you
do not understand, and what their direct Scheme mappings may be.

I'm sure it is frustrating to have this left as an "exercise for the
reader", but you should take the time to hunt down what the different
functions do and mean, and then come back here with more specific

The only other issue is the programs reliance on a utility function
that may be in the Lisp standard, (like 'every', maybe) yet lacking from
Scheme (though it's probably in SLIB in some form or another), but this
is the nature of Scheme in general anyway.

One thing, I'm pretty sure that Scheme doesn't support the CASE form,
but you can rewrite that pretty easily with COND.

So, figure out which 5% doesn't map directly, and ask about that.

Good luck!

Will Hartung - Rancho Santa Margarita. It's a dry heat. ······
1990 VFR750 - VFR=Very Red    "Ho, HaHa, Dodge, Parry, Spin, HA! THRUST!"
1993 Explorer - Cage? Hell, it's a prison.                    -D. Duck
From: Martin Rodgers
Subject: Re: converting lisp code to scheme...
Message-ID: <>
Will Hartung wheezed these wise words:

> One thing, I'm pretty sure that Scheme doesn't support the CASE form,
> but you can rewrite that pretty easily with COND.

R4RS does support CASE, as a derived expression.
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