From: Francois-Rene Rideau
Subject: your insight about a lispOS
Message-ID: <>
In case you didn't see the announce, Richard Coleman <·······>
has opened a new mailing list, about the development of a LispOS,
whose address to subscribe is:

I would like to hear the opinions of the functional language activists
and other Lisp/Scheme/whatelse demigods, whether positive or negative,
about how/why such an OS could/should be/not be,
particularly people who have experience in development of functional language
systems and OS details.

[Personally, I'd also appreciate feedback on my own Tunes project,
but that's another story;
the only connection between lispos and me is that I'm subscribed to the list]

== Fare' -- ······ -- Franc,ois-Rene' Rideau -- DDa(.ng-Vu~ Ba^n ==
Join the TUNES project for a computing system based on computing freedom !
                TUNES is a Useful, Not Expedient System
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