From: Richard Jelinek
Subject: 2D-algorithms, ACL
Message-ID: <>

I'm using ACL 4.3 (for Linux) at home. I would like to use some 2D
algorithms such as finding the convex hull of a closed polyline, compute
the Intersection of 2 closed polylines and so on.

Is there any library of those available, or do they still have to be
written (for the n+1th time :-))?

I'm very bad at coding LISP, so I would like to get around implementing

Another problem:

Error: (SET-OF MEDIENOBJEKT) is not a valid type specifier

Doesn't ACL know the set-of? Such as:

(medienobj :type (set-of medienobjekt))

I've searched in Mark's FAQ but found no pointers. If I overlooked
something: have mercy. :-)

Best regards,

	Richard Jelinek(ยทยท