From: Bj�rn Remseth
Subject: Re: Lisp is alive, was "Re: Common LISP: The Next Generation"
Message-ID: <>
> it's the other way around.  AI Memo 555 of 1981-10-02 is the Emacs Manual
> for Twenex Users by Richard M. Stallman.  this is the TECO-based Emacs.  I
> used it for a few years, myself, until they (the evil "they") retired the
> DECsystem-20.  a few years later, I used a Gosling-derived Emacs on PRIME
> systems.

... but not even Gosling-EMACS was the first one, if my memory serves
me right, the first EMACS implementation on a lisp substrate was made
on a Multics machine, some time in the seventies.  Of course, the
MIT-Lisp machines also had an EMACS written in lisp.

Bj\o rn Remseth   !Institutt for Informatikk    !Net:  ···
Phone:+47 22855802!Universitetet i Oslo, Norway !ICBM: N595625E104337